March 14, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer

Laura Wilde

Mirror Contributing Writer


It just isn’t like it used to be. You can’t really change things. You can only be more okay with how things really are. It’s sort of a zen state you can work towards. Once you are okay within yourself, everyone else will be calmer. Still, we are not perfect and we make mistakes.


Don’t worry about being lulled into old habits. It’s bound to happen. But it is important to be cool with yourself, especially when you need to just chill. You are able to do something you never thought you could do.


There is a relief in how you feel. You spoke your mind and you feel better about things. Re-energize with the right foods. This is a spirited time for you. Emotions will be at an all-time high. But you’ll be so happy and surprised with how things turned out.


Begin again. Just when you think things have come to an end, they miraculously spring to life. Take some time to just let go and find your spiritual inner being. It can be something really great if only you are more open to possibilities.


You realize, over time, that life isn’t fair. You are mistaken when you think others are ready to step up to the plate. They aren’t really ready. They are afraid. All you can do is try to live a more honest life and realize that you are quite lucky in the final analysis.


You watch people come and go and you worry that you aren’t quite living up. You feel pain and frustration and yet you feel like there is nothing you can do about it. This is making you feel a lot of frustration and anger. There has to be a balance of give and take.


You are getting tired of the same old routine. It’s important to remember to spice things up in un-ordinary ways. You are glad to be breaking ties but you are just as sad when things seem to be all messed up. Just take it as it comes.


You need more allies in this world. Try not to get involved in the petty things. At some point you have to learn to step back and let what will be, be. You can’t make everyone perfect. You will always be dealing with various types of people over time.


Don’t worry too much about how things are playing out. All will be remedied soon enough. You have to know how and when to take action. And just remember, your story can change. Your insight, over time, will change and expand. Pay attention always to subtle changes.


You aren’t going anywhere this moment but you must be in the time of big changes, not small ones. You can find a way out of the mess if you take small steps. It might be that you come at life in a totally different way from now on.


Brightness is everywhere. Kind people are everywhere. You must look to them and try not to pay any attention to the ones who cause you worry and heartache. It’s a funny life, it ebbs and flows in mysterious ways.


You really find out who your friends are this week. Those who see things from your side and those who are like deer in the headlights and can’t take the stress. Your world is different. Your worries are different. Your path is different. Resist the urge to flee.

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