July 26, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Letters to the Editor:

Dear Editor,

Despite some differences with Bill Bauer, we got along well when we both ran for City Council. He would be surprised to know that I agree with him on local issues more often than not. I am especially pleased with his most recent column regarding SMRR and new leadership in the Treesavers.

I was not at the meeting when Jerry Rubin was gently given notice that there would be Democratic procedures in how the Treesaver meetings are run in the future. I understand that Jerry’s brother stormed out of the meeting and Jerry has since resigned as defacto dictator.

Like many other Treesavers, I left the group because of Jerry’s rambling, and repetitive filibusters at Treesaver meetings, where he asserted absolute control over the agenda. His aggressive media self promoting grandstanding has finally reached the limit of what people can tolerate.

Now the Treesavers can achieve consensus as a group and coordinate with other organizations in the city.

Jonathan Mann

Santa Monica, Ca.

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Open Letter to the City Council

Dear Council Members,

Global Green applauds the tradition of sustainable initiatives in the City of Santa Monica. However, this Solar Ordinance contains a clause we do not support because it will discourage solar development in our community.

Although the intent of the proposed amendment is to streamline the permitting process for solar energy and water heating systems, we believe Sub-section (e) creates a further bureaucratic process that will discourage expansion of solar energy in Santa Monica. Requiring solar panels to be installed in the “least visible” position from the street precludes more important aspects of design and installation, such as achieving the system’s optimal output potential.

Also, new solar technologies place photovoltaic cells in windows and all sides of the building’s exterior, which will potentially be illegal under this ordinance. Developers and property owners will view this ordinance as a further cost to project development and therefore a project risk, discouraging them from undertaking otherwise beneficial solar projects.

Additionally, the California Health and Safety Code Section 17959.1 and the California Government Code Section 65850.5 (also known as the Solar Act) limit city review of solar installation applications to only health and safety compliance. This section of the ordinance represents an outdated idea of solar systems as “ugly”, when the City should be taking the lead encouraging residents to embrace solar systems as beautiful representations of their commitment to our environment and community. This thinking is not in line with all the superior and forward-thinking sustainable work of the City of Santa Monica. For these reasons, I encourage you to strike Sub-section (e) from this ordinance.

Best regards,

Matt Petersen President and CEO

Global Green USA, Santa Monica Ca.

* * * *

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the almost 22 students who play football at Malibu High, I would like to thank Santa Monica parents and Harry Keiley, President of the Teachers Union, for agreeing to cut teachers and special education funding from their school’s budget so that Malibu High Football team will have the necessary funds to play football under lights for eight nights this upcoming football season.

A less enlightened School Board might have abandoned this night football project after they had been notified by the California Coastal Commission that the intense night lighting needed for nighttime football was prohibited in Malibu’s Coastal Zone. The official notice the School Board received from the City of Malibu earlier this month informing them that their night football lighting project was prohibited under Malibu Building Codes might have convinced other school boards to reconsider. This School Board, flush with funds approved by the Santa Monica parents and teachers, ignored both of these notices and doubled down on their commitment to nighttime football at Malibu High.

The SMMUSD board of education had already committed over $125,000 of general fund monies for consultants, biological and lighting studies for this Malibu High football night lighting project. At their June 25th meeting the school board committed a minimum of another $100,000 to $150,000 needed to fight the Coastal Commission, the City of Malibu and an opposition group of Malibu Residents to make their dream of eight nights of football under the lights a reality.

Once again, to the teachers and parents in Santa Monica, we say thank you. Go Malibu Sharks Football.

Steve Uhring

Malibu, Ca

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