Dear Editor:
With Sarah Palin stepping down as Governor of Alaska, I would like to suggest an obvious replacement. My recommendation would be Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live.
Thank you,
Jerry Rubin
Santa Monica, CA
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Dear Editor,
I just moved to Santa Monica a few months ago and to be honest I have had trouble calling this place home. But after the July 4th parade on Main St., with all the families and people gathered along the side of the streets to support their community, I couldn’t find a better place in L.A. to be! It is really nice to see a community as big as Santa Monica come together and celebrate America’s Independence Day. It is a nice to see old fashion America still exists even in the big cities.
Sara Crownover
Santa Monica, Ca
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Dear Editor,
It is a sad commentary and a grievous loss to the rapidly shrinking Treesaver community that ANY devout Treesaver (including self-aggrandizing egoists) can be weeded out of the group. Jerry Rubin is not the only person trying to control the Treesaver agenda, and he is not alone in denying others their right to dissent, express a contrary opinion, or to question authority. I tried to explain this to the new defacto “dictator” of the Treesavers and she hung up on me.
I was personally banned from the Treesaver list for refusing to stop making controversial (but civilized) posts on the Treesaver website, regarding coordinating with other local groups to call for a recall election in Santa Monica. What happened to me was blatant censorship, carried out by the very person who took over the Treesaver data bank that I organized, and it is still going on.
It is beyond strange for Jerry Rubin to join the swelling ranks of disillusioned and ostracized Treesavers. The supreme irony is that Jerry can now claim that he is being deprived of HIS free speech platform (albeit for denying many other Treesavers of THEIR right to express their opinion). It is well known that Jerry Rubin has a monumental ego and has driven away many gentle souls committed to saving our beleaguered trees.
What often happens in grassroots organizations is that factions form and cliques hold private meetings to conspire how to contain and marginalize disruptive elements. Unfortunately, it is far too common a phenomenon in many such groups, especially when egos are involved. I believe that such gatherings should be advertised, open to the media and to ANY member of the public (unless they behave in an extremely disruptive manner) in the sense that there should be a free, open and moderated exchange of ideas.
There was never an orchestrated plan to oust Jerry. The only plan I am aware of was to create a revolving chair and rules of order, so every one attending had an equal right to speak, and an equal amount of time.
Santa Monica, Ca