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Santa Monicans Hug Trees!:

A few dozen Santa Monicans gathered in Palisades Park on Tuesday, September 22, for a “public group tree hug” near the gateway to the Pier, celebrating the autumnal equinox and all manner of things green.

Jerry and Marissa Rubin hosted the inaugural Tree-Hugging Day event at the Children’s Tree of Life where they were married 26 years ago, and they clearly hope to add a new celebration to the social calendar.

“Tree-Hugging Day is a non-partisan and open-to-all simple and loving way for people to show their appreciation and caring for trees and the many aesthetic, environmental, and life-giving attributes they provide,” Mr. Rubin said. “It is also a way to show that ‘tree hugger’ is a positive environmental label. People of all ages are encouraged to take a moment of time during their work day, school day or leisure day on September 22 to hug a tree…or two…or more…wherever they may be.”

The event – not related to the TreeSavers organization which Rubin helped to found in response to City plans to remove ficus trees from 2nd and 4th Streets downtown -– drew some school board members, actress Alexandra Paul, and other citizens interested in making “a personal tree-hugging connection,” as the Rubins’ promotional flier put it.

And you can mark your calendars to hug a tree again on Saturday, March 20, 2010 on the vernal equinox when the Rubins plan another “public group tree hug” at the same location.

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