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Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


Don’t worry if everything doesn’t go exactly according to plan. The mistakes are sometimes the most beautiful things life can offer. Keep your much needed things close by so that you won’t forget where they are and get no use out of them.


You are feeling the uplift of a shared experience. But don’t worry that things aren’t shared evenly between you and others. You are always going to carry more of the load because you are a kind person. That kindness will make your life so much better in the long run.


You are making others jealous and proud at the same time. Your successes are palpable. Your hard work is paying off and you are learning how to care for yourself. This comes from friends and peers as much as anything. Be grateful for all who come into your life. Having friends is vital to a good life.


Forgiveness is a relief, you know. Holding on to anger does serious damage in every possible area of your life. Even if you know you have been wronged, you must find a way to let it go – otherwise you continue to be wronged over and over and it becomes too comfortable to imagine your life without.


This might be a good time to renew your life and start getting help for those things you simply can’t control. Admitting it is the first step of course, saying it out loud to someone else may be the second step, and then asking an expert to help you figure out how to change it. Sounds easy enough, right?


You know someone who has spent their whole life hiding. That has not been good for them. And you see a life wasted. However, you must learn how to not involve yourself in the problems and paths of others. You have your own great life to get through. They have theirs. It’s okay to let go.


You are adjusting to things as they are and don’t spend too much time wanting things to be as they were. Still, we all have a hard time dwelling in the present. We would all much prefer the safety of what we once knew. Still, the future is a gift. Every day is a blessing.


Listen to those older and wiser. Protect yourself from the harm that others inflict when they are under the gun. You have triggers that cause certain feelings. These are patterns that are harder and harder to shake. Keep them at bay by talking back to them, changing them.


You have many talents, which surprises you after all this time. One of your talents is in telling the truth. For that, many will seek to be by your side. People like hearing the truth. Watch how you dispense it, however It is not always the best course of action.


You are doing a pretty good job not overloading yourself. But as usual you are taking on too much. One false step and you threaten to tumble down completely. Maybe it’s time to figure out why these things keep happening. You are frustrated at the perfection of others – not realizing it too is an illusion.


Sticking to a normal routine will help balance the load. Don’t put so much stuff on one thing that it threatens to ruin the overall look. Remember that simplicity is better than clutter. Keep it clean overall and you will feel freer.


Look for ways to de-stress. Isn’t it funny how true the saying is that life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans? The older you get, the more realize that a truer thing was never said. So, maybe it’s time to throw everything up in the air and see what happens.

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