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PG. 12 of January 7 – 13, 2010: Volume XI, Issue 31

The photos accompanying the story Rosebowl Pep Rallies in Santa Monica were taken by Margaret Molloy. In the printed edition, no photographer was credited. The error was the Managing Editor’s.

PG. 22 & PG. 32 of January 7 – 13, 2010: Volume XI, Issue 31

The stories Making Surgery Safer for Active Boomers on pg. 22 and Satisfying Foods Can Mean Diet Success on pg. 32 were both stories provided by NAPSI. In the printed edition, they were credited to “NAPS” without an “I,” which is incorrect. The error was the Managing Editor’s.


PG. 8 of December 24 – 30, 2009: Volume XI, Issue 29

In the Hometown Hero: Sister Maureen Craig, S.C.L. column, a picture accompanied the article. The picture was of Sister Craig. The column was written Susan Cloke, a Mirror contributing writer. In the printed edition, the picture was directly above Cloke’s byline, which might lead some to mistakingly think the byline was a caption to the photo and that the photo was of Cloke. This is not the case. The error was the designer’s.

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