The Walgrove Elementary Schooll organized a recycle e-waste event for January 30, for people to drop off their old computers, monitors, laptops, tv, printers, cell phones, faxes, vcrs and dvds. No appliances, though.
The proceeds raised from the event will go to the Walgrove Elementary general fund, to help offset recent budget cuts. The elementary school organizers explained that the event will not only help the school, but also the local environment.
It will provide the community with a free chance to drop off old electronics.
It is illegal to dispose of these items in the trash and costly to dump legally. The event will provide locals a place to get rid of these items and everything will be 100 percent recycled.
The school will accept donations prior to the actual date. In coordination with the E-Waste event, the student council will also be hosting a bake sale. The proceeds from the bake sale will help with shipping cost for items being sent to the victims of the Haitain earthuake.
-Marissa Bojiuc