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Women Shine in Santa Monica:

The Santa Monica Commission on the Status of Women will host “Women Shine in Santa Monica” on Saturday, April 24, 2010 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Ken Edwards, 1527 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA.

The event Women Shine in Santa Monica begins with an impressive panel of women leaders addressing key concerns faced by women today. Among the panelists are:

Therese Hughes, LA Chapter of Women Lead, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing leadership, campaign trainings, and forums for women interested in or who hold elected and appointed offices, Ginny Hatfield, State Representative of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), a membership organization that provides a voice for equity in education for women and girls, Julia Miele, Executive Director of the YWCA of Santa Monica, which offers programs and opportunities for women’s growth and leadership, and Hollis Harman of Kids Finance, an expert in the area of financial literacy for women.

Following the panel presentation, the COSW will release its draft FY 2010-2015 Strategic Plan to the public for input. The document provides guidance to the COSW on issues to focus on over the next five years. “We are sure this event will be both informative and valuable as we seek to hear the voices of women and girls living in Santa Monica, “said Ana Jara, Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women. “This is a critical time for the Commission and it is important that the Strategic Plan identifies the priorities which will make the biggest impact for the community over the next five years.” Continental breakfast will be provided prior to the start of the event.

To view the Strategic Plan, go to the COSW website at: http://www01.smgov.net/hsd/cosw/. Girls aged 12 and older are encouraged to attend this empowering event.

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