Your financial dealings are particularly good right now. You may feel like spending lavishly. Remember not to go overboard because money runs faster than it talks.
New opportunities mean more work. You may feel it’s too much work. Find strategies to divide your time up reasonably and make time also for having fun.
Your partner may be behaving strangely. You may feel that no matter what you do she/he seems discontented. It’s important to find out what the matter is rather than jumping to conclusions.
Everyone is asking you for favors now because momentum is on your side. You don’t want people to not be on your side, but don’t let them walk all over you. You are the boss of your life.
You think, therefore you are. You are troubling yourself with too much thinking right now. Turn off the thinking juice and give yourself some much needed r and r.
Your birthday is a few months away but it seems to you like life is passing you by. It’s time to affirm your youthful side and remind yourself that there’s much to look forward to.
It’s summer but for you it feels like that movie Ground Hog Day, with everything repeating itself. Don’t let that throw you. As in the movie, it can give you a chance to practice self improvement skills.
You’ve been working too hard and ignoring people you know and love. Don’t be such a workaholic. Join in with the good vibrations and spread the love to others who you know you do care about.
You know you can see well but do you have vision for the future? It troubles you that you can’t see into your personal future. Consult a psychic or take charge and plan a future to your taste.
You keep encountering figures from your past, especially old lovers. You are trying to find out what shaped your present attitudes. But don’t dwell on the past-open up to what’s coming.
Other members of your family are having success in their ventures. Are you a little jealous? It’s inevitable but don’t let it cause a row. Give support and you shall receive it.
Communication breakdown? Don’t have a cow. Even if the electronic wizardry of our time betrays you, there is still personal communication. Try it-it works.