On Saturday, April 16, at 9:14 a.m., a community service officer discovered a backpack in the women’s restroom at parking structure number one, located at 1234 Fourth Street. The community service officer requested the attendance of the police, and the police came. The attending officers looked inside the backpack and discovered some cocaine, as well as related drug paraphernalia. As these officers were walking out of the parking structure with the backpack, a woman walked up and claimed the backpack. The woman said that the “stuff” in the backpack belonged to her niece. The officers subsequently arrested the woman for possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. Her bail was set at $10,000.
Editor’s Note: These reports are part of a regular police coverage series entitled “Alert Police Blotter” (APB), which injects some minor editorial into certain police activities in Santa Monica. Not all of the Mirror’s coverage of incidents involving police are portrayed in this manner. More serious crimes and police-related activities are regularly reported without editorial in the pages the Santa Monica Mirror and its website, smmirror.com.