Machines seem to be ganging up on you. Normally you are very proficient with everything cyber but this week there might seem to be bugs in the gears as it were. You should not be above calling in someone who is an expert to help you out.
You are thinking about assuming a new role. Maybe you want to move on to a new career. The changeover takes time so do your research now in order to make the move with care.
You needed to have a thorough talk with your significant other but it was interrupted. You were working on a project and an emergency came up. Take time this week to complete cycles. Every step counts toward the end result.
If you want more money in your life, this week is a good time to set your sights on that dollar sign. Look into new ways of earning more income. If it requires a change of job, plan your strategy carefully.
You want to move forward and others seem to be moving backward. This could cause you to feel a sort of motion sickness as regards your orderly life. The key is to not look at what the others are doing. Just look forward to where you are going.
You are adding to your knowledge day by day. Take advantage of your new skills by seeking more challenging work or getting involved in a volunteer project. A special new person in your life could also benefit from your knowledge.
You are in love and nothing is going to stop you from seeing your sweetie. Every little thing she or he does is magic as the song says. Make sure you are worthy of the magic by taking it slow and not scaring her/him away.
Feeling a bit “under the weather?” Cheer up, the weather is getting nicer and it’s a good time to get some exercise. Take care of your health. Eat better; get a checkup. When you have your health, you have the basics for everything else that you want.
You may feel that others don’t trust you. This feeling may pass of its own accord but if it persists, try talking to some of your friends and get feedback on your actions. Guilt is a useless feeling but responsibility is always respected.
This week will bring you good luck with your career but relationships may be shaky. You might have a disagreement with your partner yet it will help you realize what you need to do to get things straight.
It’s a carefree time when you might feel like sailing away on your feelings and fantasies. Yet there is work to be done, responsibilities to act upon. You can find the balance by taking care of the necessary and indulging your dreams when you have more time.
Being the fish sign that you are, you sometimes feel like you’re in deep water, swimming against the tide. You may even feel the need to cry. If this week is too emotional you need to dry out. Some time to yourself could be the warm desert you need.