The groundbreaking ceremony at John Adams Middle School (JAMS) last Thursday, Nov. 17 marked the beginning of construction of the modernization project that is currently underway at the school.
The ceremony included a project overview and site walk to identify points of interest on the construction site.
Site and district staff attended to help celebrate this event, including School Principal Eva Mayoral, JAMS alumni and Director of the Facility Improvements Office Stuart A. Sam, School Board Member Ralph Mechur, and Measure BB Advisory Committee Members David Kaplan, Bill Jepson, and Judith Meister.
Architects and contractors were also in attendance to share the celebration.
In an effort to document the event for current and future students, John Adams Middle School yearbook students Marissa Koda and Manuela Galvan attended the ceremony to interview guests and photograph the project and event for the 2011-2012 JAMS yearbook.
Doing so provided an inside look at the project for students, parents, and faculty for years to come.
The modernization project includes a new attendance office and a new art classroom, which will replace the old main office.
The 80s east wing will be replaced with new classrooms, a new parking lot, and new lunch shelter. A new stage and seating area will be constructed at the Commons Space. The fire alarm system will be upgraded to a fully automatic system. Additionally, two tennis courts will also be constructed on campus.
The modernization project at John Adams Middle School reflects Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) criteria through solar chimneys, improved day lighting, air quality and natural ventilation, maximized energy efficiency, storm water treatment, and reduced water use.
The modernization is a $12.45 million dollar project, which began in August 2011 and is estimated to be complete in the beginning of fourth quarter of 2012