‘Tis the season to be jolly, so don’t let an unexpected injury or illness spoil your family’s holiday celebrations. Many holiday accidents and illnesses could have been prevented by simple, commonsense precautions.
Here are some holiday pointers to help ensure a safe and festive yuletide:
• Keep holiday plants, such as holly and poinsettias, out of reach of small children and pets. Many parts of these and other household plants can be harmful, if ingested.
• Use shatterproof ornaments to decorate trees.
• Make sure tree and house lights are grounded to reduce the risk of electrical shock or fire.
• Have your tree fireproofed and place it a safe distance from your fireplace, wall heater, or vents.
• Trim any branches that toddlers might pull or trip over, causing the tree to tumble onto them or someone else.
• Keep a fire extinguisher and first-aid kit in your home at all times.
• Consider safety in all gifts for small children and inspect toys for removable parts or unsafe features.
• Eat and drink in moderation. Overindulgence can lead to gastrointestinal problems and other unhealthful consequences.
• Don’t drink and drive. The combination can be deadly.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy holiday season from the emergency professionals at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital!
Dr. Wally Ghurabi is medical director of the Nethercutt Emergency Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital. For more information, call 310.319.4870.