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Santa Monica Mirror’s Events, Art, Theater, And Music Calendar Dec. 23 To 30:

Looking for something to do this weekend? The Santa Monica Mirror has you covered with local events, live music, theater, and art gallery listings.


Santa Claus at The Market, concludes this Saturday, Dec. 24 at The Market at 395 Santa Monica Place. Children visiting Santa receive a free commemorative gift. Dining Deck on Level 3. themarketsmp.com

Santa and Snow at Pacific Park, sit with a lifelike Santa on the Frog Hooper, the ride that takes up to seven young riders straight up and down to heights of nearly two stories, through this Sunday, Dec. 25. Then take a ride on the West Coaster roller coaster and feel a curtain of snow fall as you depart. Admission to Pacific Park is free. Frog Hopper ride is $3 for children 3-9 and roller coaster rides are $5 each. 380 Santa Monica Pier. 310.260.8744, pacpark.com/ride-with-santa.php

Chanukah Menorah Lighting, Downtown Santa Monica will celebrate the Chanukah season with a traditional menorah lighting every evening at sundown through Dec. 27. Third Street Promenade Center Court. iceatsantamoica.com/winterlit.html

Holiday Show 2011, a free exhibition of paintings by Los Angeles artists Sally Lamb, Melanie Nogawski, David Thompson, and Portland artist Gabriel Fernandez concludes today, Dec. 23. Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Schomburg Gallery, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave, E3A. 310.453.5757, SchomburgGallery.com

American Landscapes, John Clendening combines still life images with landscapes in a form he calls the “Stillscape,” where he forges a connection between the traditions of American landscape painting and those of European still life through this Saturday, Dec. 24. TAG Gallery, 2525 Michigan Ave. D-3. 310.829.9556, taggallery.net

Fortune, mixed-media artist Joan Vaupen, in her new exhibit, “Fortune” at TAG Gallery. Vaupen brings the kitschy cookie into the realm of 21st century art – molding the soft plastic of plexiglas into the hardened, sensual shapes of that frustrating, sweet paradox: the fortune cookie. Concludes this Saturday, Dec. 24. 2525 Michigan Ave. D-3. 310.829.9556, taggallery.net

Charles Arnoldi: Art Works from the 1970’s, in conjunction with Pacific Standard Time, Rosamund Felsen Gallery presents an exhibition of historic works from the 1970’s by Charles Arnoldi concludes today, Dec. 23. For the first time in decades, these important early works by Arnoldi will be viewable in a single exhibition. Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 2525 Michigan Ave. B4. 310.828.8488, rosamundfelsen.com


Friday, December 23

Norton Family Christmas Projects,selections from the Peter Norton Family Christmas Projects will be on display through Thursday, Dec. 29, on the second floor of the Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard. Retired computer entrepreneur, Peter Norton, is a contemporary art collector as well as an active participant in civic and philanthropic affairs. 310.458.8600, smpl.org

GRACIE Holiday Shop, SMMoA’s expanded shop offers a holiday boutique featuring a unique selection of colorful, functional, and decorative ceramic wares by renowned artist Peter Shire’s Echo Park Pottery. Today is the final day for holiday items from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Original drawings and paintings by distinguished artist Lynn Hanson will also be featured. Santa Monica Museum of Art. Bergamot Station G-1, 2525 Michigan Avenue. 310.586.6488, shopsmmoa.org

Horrible Holiday Music and Ugly Sweater Party, The Library Alehouse couldn’t just have an ugly sweater party, so it decided to dress it up with some terrible holiday music too! Come revel in the cheesiest fashion possible, listening to elevator music renditions of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and glam rock versions of “Frosty the Snowman.” No cover charge. 2911 Main St, 310.314.4855, libraryalehouse.com

Rapp Saloon Friday, free open mic event open to everyone. Sign-up 8 p.m. 1436 Second St. 213.207.6881, rappsaloon@gmail.com, facebook.com/pages/Rapp-Saloon-Poetry-Reading/122145672327

Saturday, December 24

ICE at Santa Monica, for anyone who hasn’t visited the outdoor ice skating rink at Fifth St. and Arizona Ave., it will remain open during the holiday period. Until Jan. 6, its hours are extended Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to midnight, Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission and skate rental is $12. Normal operating hours will return Jan. 7 to Jan. 16. For more information, call 310.496.9880 or visit iceatsantamonica.com

Tuesday, December 27

Winter Break Family Fun, visit the Main Library’s Children’s Activity Room for free family winter crafts from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 601 Santa Monica Blvd. 310.458.8600, smpl.org

Wednesday, December 28

Family Flicks: Cars 2, enjoy quality time at the Main Library during winter break with this free screening from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 601 Santa Monica Blvd. 310.458.8600, smpl.org

Thursday, December 29

What’s New This Week? A current events discussion moderated by Jack Nordhaus from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. for adults. Fairview Branch 2101 Ocean Park Blvd. smpl.org, 310.458.8681


Friday, December 23

Elk Head with DJ Degruvme, Luis Diskoe @ Central Social Aid and Pleasure Club

The Goods with DJ Anthony Valadez, KG Superstar @ Zanzibar

The Paul Chesne Band @ O’Brien’s Pub Main Street

Blowin’ Smoke and the Fabulous Smokettes @ Harvelle’s

Lisa Green’s Winter Solstice Celebration @ The Talking Stick

Lakin and friends @ Trip

Saturday, December 24

ANTI CHRISTmas Eve Metal show @ Trip

Nickie’s Christmas Eve Party @ The Talking Stick

Quality with DJs Haul & Mason @ Zanzibar

Monday, December 26

A Little Freak Out, featuring DJs Ghost Lyon and softCORE @ Trip

Tumbao Salsa Dura @ Zanzibar

MoZaic Open Mic @ The Talking Stick

Ultra Love @ Harvelle’s

Tuesday, December 27

Open Mic, The Vignatis @ Bar Pico

Silver Pesos, Sista Jean & CB @ The Talking Stick

Payote featuring Jessie Payo @ Harvelle’s

Tone Def Live band Punk Rock Karaoke @ Trip

Wednesday, December 28

Open Mic with Canyon Ellen @ The Talking Stick

TRiP Tease Burlesque: Nothing But The Best @ Trip

House of Vibe All-Stars @ Harvelle’s

Thursday, December 29

Enjuillet @ The Talking Stick

Clarice Wright Band, Blac Jesus @ Bar Pico

Afro Funke Thursday: DJ J-Boogie, Topanga Tribes Belly Dancers @ Zanzibar

Vinyl Party @ Harvelle’s

The VS (Versus) @ Central Social Aid and Pleasure Club

SLUCK, CatsMelvin, Digger Thompsons Kids and more @ Trip


Peter Fetterman Gallery, through March 1, 2012, is featuring two exhibitions: a series of images by distinguished contemporary photographer Jerry Uelsmann and introducing the work of Finnish photographer Pentti Sammallahti with a selection of images shown in Los Angeles for the first time. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm. 2525 Michigan Avenue A-1, 310.453.6463, peterfetterman.com

Peter Shelton: Eyehand, L.A. Louver presents a survey exhibition of sculpture by Peter Shelton through Dec. 30. Including more than 40 works from 1975-2011, the exhibition encompasses the full range of forms created by the artist over the past 35 years, and is presented throughout all L.A. Louver galleries. 45 North Venice Blvd., Venice 310.822.4955, lalouver.com

Lost & Found: Abstracting Los Angeles 1945-1980, this exhibit features paintings, drawings, sculptures, and assemblages from obscure and known artists who used different media to interpret the abstract expressionist movement with a Los Angeles twist through Dec. 30. The focus will be post war works up to 1980. Free. Tuesday-Saturday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 2525 Michigan Ave. B7. 310.315.1937, robertbermangallery.com

Trunk Gallery presents “Fetish,” featuring James Mullen, Kari Harvey and other artists working with doll parts, mannequins, and nails. Opening Reception Dec. 10 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Gallery open Thursday through Sundays from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Show runs through Jan. 22. 12818 Venice Blvd., L.A. 310.483.7221, trunkgallery.org

Craig Krull Gallery, presents three new exhibits through Jan. 14 as part of the Getty initiative, “Pacific Standard Time: Art in Los Angeles 1945-1980.” The exhibits are: Julian Wasser’s “Los Angeles,” George Herms’ “Collages,” and Edmund Teske’s “Portraits.” Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave. Building B3. 310.828.6410, craigkrullgallery.com

Battle of the Buddha, Jeffrey Wisniewski’s creates a choreographed fight scene between good and evil Buddhas utilizing motion capture technology through Jan. 14. The video begins with one levitating Buddha which then separates into one gold and one red who battle each other rolling half naked around an empty, starkly lit space. Patrick Painter Inc. 2525 Michigan Ave., Unit A8 and B2. 310.264.5988, patrickpainter.com

Wall Works: The Walls Have Eyes, at the Santa Monica Museum of Art is its most extensive educational public art program, connecting acclaimed contemporary artists with the imaginations of local students. The exhibit is collaboration with Los Angeles-based ceramic artist Peter Shire, and will be on display through Feb. 26, 2012. Bergamot Station G-1, 2525 Michigan Ave. 310.586.6488, smmoa.org

Untitled Slide Sequence, at The Christopher Grimes Gallery a series of photographic prints, adapted from the original slides produced in 1972, is in direct dialogue with the Getty Research Institute’s Pacific Standard Time initiative, through Jan. 7, 2012. 916 Colorado Ave. 310.587.3373, cgrimes.com

Less is Matter, the Shoshana Wayne Gallery presents James Richards’ fifth solo show with the gallery through Dec. 23. The paintings in this exhibition continue to explore the varied and complex possibilities attainable by examining the role of surface and support in fundamental ways; namely, by partially relocating the painting’s surface to the support beneath it through the replacement of the ready made canvas with a hand made one. 2525 Michigan Ave., Suite B1. shoshanawayne.com

Beatrice Wood: Career Woman-Drawings, Paintings, Vessels, and Objects, through March 3, 2012. Santa Monica Museum of Art, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave., smmoa.org


Stations: A Los Angeles Holiday Story. Five bus stops. Five stories. Five paths that come together on a bleak December night in L.A. This Miles Playhouse production offers all generations a modern-day alternative to the familiar holiday repertoire through Dec. 30. Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. $25 general, $15 children and students with valid ID. Miles Memorial Playhouse, 1130 Lincoln Blvd. 800.838.3006, milesplayhouse.org


The Santa Monica YMCA is seeking volunteers for its youth basketball program for the winter season, which runs from January-March of 2012. Those wishing to coach teams of children in the fundamentals of the game and in game situations must be at least 17 years old. Assistant coaches may be younger. Game officials must have a decent knowledge of the game, own a referee shirt and whistle, and are paid $10 per game. There is also a need for a volunteer league assistant director, who can be of any age. All prospective volunteers or employees must undergo a background check and undergo some light training plus complete a first aid/CPR class at the YMCA’s expense. The league begins with training sessions around Jan. 4, with player evaluations the following week. Games for co-ed teams grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 will run from mid-January through mid-March. Contact Youth Basketball coordinator Pete Arbogast at the Santa Monica YMCA, 310.393.2721 ext. 137 or ysports@ymcasm.org

Axiom Health Presents Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy Classes for pain management without the use of drugs and their harmful side effects. Easy to learn, practical to use anywhere or anytime healing body and mind. Taught by Dr. Bonnie Hemauer, Ph.D. (Dr. B.) who for 25 years has specialized in self-help, relaxation/meditation therapies, and prevention of stress causing diseases. Excellent for athletes. Ongoing, Mondays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays at 1 p.m. in Santa Monica. Call for more information at 310.433.2382

The American Red Cross is looking for volunteers. Various positions are available. To volunteer, call Tom Viscount at 310.394.3773 ext. 112 from 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Do You Have the Heart for Hospice? Roze Room Hospice seeks volunteers to provide support and companionship to terminally ill patients and their families. Training is free. We have patients at home and in nursing facilities in throughout the Westside and Los Angeles. For more information, contact Kathleen McMahon, Volunteer Coordinator, at 323.938.1155 or volcoord@rozeroomhospice.org

Donate blood on Monday and Wednesdays at the American Red Cross of Santa Monica, 1450 11th St.. Hours for donations vary, so call to schedule an appointment. 1.800.GIVE.LIFE or 1.888.POR.FAVOR

The Downtown Santa Monica Farmers Market is held Wednesdays at Arizona Ave and Second St. and Saturdays at Arizona and Third St. The two weekly markets are widely considered to be among the best on the west coast and feature field-fresh produce, hundreds of kinds of vegetables, brilliant cut flowers, breads, cheeses, delicious foods, live music, and more. 310.458.8712, smgov.net/portals/farmersmarket/

Free help with anxiety, depression, stress, and anger. Recovery International provides tools and practice in changing thinking habits so individuals can gain personal control over distressing emotions and improve general well-being. This worldwide non-profit organization, founded in 1937, holds weekly meetings every Saturday, 12 p.m., at Trinity Church, California and Eleventh Street, Santa Monica. Donations are requested but not required. For more information, call Randy at 310.828.9328 or go to lowselfhelpsystems.org

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, a 12-step program for those struggling to control their relationship with food, has three meetings every week in Santa Monica. Tuesday, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Youth Lounge, 1220 Second St., Santa Monica; Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 a.m., Unitarian Universalist Community Church, The Cottage, 1260 18th St., Santa Monica; and Saturday, 9 to 10:30 a.m., First United Methodist Church, Room 101, 1008 11th St.., Santa Monica. Free. Call: 800.600.6028 or see: foodaddicts.org

Heart Centered Toastmasters Club meets 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 pm Thursdays in Santa Monica. Practice and improve your communication skills in a warm, heart-centered environment. Call Cynthia at 310.995.4283 for more information.

Homeless discussion and advocacy group, Side By Side, for homeless and non-homeless citizens every first, third, and fifth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Ken Edwards Community Center, located at 1527 4th St., Any resident interested in listening to and talking with local homeless can come to this regular meeting. Side By Side has met continuously at Ken Edwards since 1996.

Joel S. Goldsmith Tape Group meets Mondays to listen to the taped class work of Joel S. Goldsmith on his spiritual teaching known as The Infinite Way. 7:15 p.m. (silent meditation), 7:30 p.m. (tape played), 8:30 p.m. (silent meditation). New Age Bible and Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd. (rear entry only off alley) in rear classroom. $5 minimum donation appreciated. 310.963.9377 or email in.stillness@yahoo.com

Meals on Wheels West needs volunteers to deliver meals to homebound people in Santa Monica. Deliveries are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. To volunteer call 310.394.7558

A new Grief Support Group for Parents who have lost children to addiction, drugs, medications, alcohol. Santa Monica near Ocean and Montana Ave. Dates and times TBA. 310.917.5008, grasphelp.org, graspsantamonica@yahoo.com

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy Classes for pain management without the use of drugs and their harmful side effects! Easy to learn, practical to use anywhere or anytime healing body and mind. Taught by Dr. Bonnie Hemauer, Ph.D. 25 years specializing in Self Help, Relaxation/Meditation Therapies, and prevention of stress causing diseases. Every Monday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. 122 Lincoln Blvd. #103, Venice, near Rose Avenue. By donation. RSVP: 310.433.2382

Free Qigong class for cancer survivors in Clover Park, located at 2600 Ocean Park Blvd, on Mondays and Fridays at 9:30 a.m. These classes are offered through the Cancer Support Community-Benjamin Center, and are taught by Michael Sieverts, an 11-year brain cancer survivor. For more information, call CSC at 310.314.2555 or go to www.cancersupportcommunitybenjamincenter.org

Zen meditation group led by Sensei Daishin Buksbazen, teacher at Zen Center of Los Angeles meets weekly on Wednesday evening at the Hill Street Center, 237 Hill St., Santa Monica. Meditation instruction for newcomers held from 7 to 7:30 p.m., Zazen from 7:30 to 9 p.m., Dharma talk the first Wednesday of each month. Contact Sensei Daishin at 310.315.3506 or daishin@zcla.org

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