By Trisha Bennett
Whole Foods will host renowned Santa Monica-based homeopath Dr. Stuart H. Garber this Tuesday, July 24 at 6:30 p.m. who will talk about asthma.
Dr. Garber has practiced holistic medicine for the past 30 years. He has lectured all over the world and he said he was happy to be able to make the local appearance at Whole Foods in Venice, located at 225 Lincoln Blvd.
The subject of his lecture will be asthma: what causes it, how to prevent attacks, as well as actions to be taken to feel better and become healthier.
Being the first person in the United States to receive a Ph.D. degree in homeopathy, Dr. Garber has led the way for natural remedies to become accessible to the average person. He is the developer of Dr. Garber’s Natural Solutions line of condition specific biotherapy formulas and has an office in Santa Monica where he also conducts research in homeopathic medicine.
Asthma is a disease of the lungs in which the airways become blocked or narrowed causing breathing difficulty. This chronic inflammatory disease of the airways affects an estimated 20 million people in the United States, yet despite the availability of treatments, it remains poorly controlled and managed. This health problem is the reason for nearly 500,000 hospital stays each year.
The list of side effects from asthma drugs is long, ranging from merely uncomfortable to downright dangerous. At this lecture, Dr. Garber will talk about the alternative, healthier ways to deal with allergies.
Tuesday’s informative lecture is free. Dr. Garber will be on hand to take questions after the hour-long lecture.
For more information, visit