Safe, clean, beautiful, and green — that’s the goal of the the Lincoln Boulevard Task Force that formed earlier this year in February.
To help achieve these goals, the task force has released two opinion surveys: a Resident Survey for all Santa Monica residents and a Business Survey for businesses along Lincoln.
The Task Force wants to transform Lincoln into an attractive, pedestrian-friendly, neighborhood-serving street that reflects the needs and desires of the neighborhood residents and local businesses.
The Task Force is supported by the Ocean Park Association, Friends of Sunset Park, Pico Neighborhood Association, and Borderline Neighborhood Group.
“We have dedicated volunteers from each of the supporting neighborhood associations, as well as many business owners,” said Task Force Chair Roger Swanson.
The Task Force is working with the Santa Monica City Staff in preliminary discussions to consider what can be done now that Caltrans has relinquished ownership of Lincoln to the City.
The current activity of the Task Force anticipates the City’s public design process that will start next year, and the two surveys will allow the community to lead the design process rather than have outside interests determine what improvements are made.
The Opinion Surveys address a variety of issues, from streetscape design (trees, medians, and public art) to priority bus lanes, to zoning standards and adaptive re-use of existing buildings, to traffic speed and additional crosswalks.
The Resident Survey is for all Santa Monica residents. The Business Survey is designed to get the opinions of businesses already located on Lincoln south of the I-10, as well as businesses that might consider re-locating to Lincoln.
These surveys can be accessed at