Four months after Santa Monica City Council members renamed Town Square as “Ken Genser Square,” a decision is expected at Tuesday’s Council meeting about the renaming of Palisades Garden Walk.
Town Square and Palisades Garden Walk were the temporary names given to the park areas that are currently under construction outside City Hall.
Council members decided to put off renaming Palisades Garden Walk on Oct. 2 last year as they did not like the proposed name “Santa Monica Commons.”
City staff sought community input with the full list of suggested names published below.
Which of these (if any) would you like to see as the park’s name?
Abraham Park
Angel’s Park
Arcadia Bandini Park
Arcadia Park (after Arcadia Bandini)
Arroyo Commons
Attention Park
Baker or Jones Park
Name after the senator or citizen that had the foresight to donate land for Palisades Park.
Ballona Park
Bandini Park
Bay City Park
Belmont Triangle Park
Big Wow Park
Bird’s Nest Park
Bliss Field by the Beach
Bluebird Park
Center of Wellbeing
Central Park
Central Park West
Chicken Park
Cho-Cho Park (Butterfly in Japanese)
City Hall Park
City Park
Civic Center Park
Civic Park
Del Mar Park
Discovery Park
Dolphin Park
Dolphin Tale
Douglas Park
Dream Weavers Park
Dry Creek Park
El Paraíso Terrenal (Heaven on Earth)
Elseildor Park
Endless Summer Garden
Esplanade Park
Family Park
Frank Schwengel Park
Fresh Air Park
Fun Park
Gabrieleno Park
Garden Park
Gardens at the Pier
Gateway Park
Harbor Park
Heritage Park
Holiday Park
Jewel of Santa Monica
Kecheek Park (The Tongva called Santa Monica “Kecheek”)
La Puerta Del Cielo (Heaven’s Gate)
Laurel Garden
Lincoln Park
Los Arroyos
Main Park
Main St Park
Memorial Park
Mira del Mar (Look at the Ocean)
Momajita Parque
Monica Park
Moomat Park
Ocean Bluff Park
Ocean Breeze Park
Ocean Park
Ocean View Park
Pacific Ocean View Park
Pacific Ocean View Park of Santa Monica
Pacific Park
Palisades Garden Park
Palisades Garden Walk
Paradise Park
Park at the Pier
Park for all
Park of Peace
Parque Bliss del Mar
Parque del Mar Vista
Parque del Pueblo
Parque Mia
Peach Love
People’s Garden
People’s Park
Physis Park (Greek for Nature)
Pier Park
Pierce Park
Pioneer Park
Planetarium of Eden
Poseidon Park
Puebla del Sol Park (City of the Sun Park)
Puebla Park
Rainbow Park
Rancho Santa Monica
Rosabell Park
Salaria Park
Sandcastle Park
Santa Monica Central Gardens
Santa Monica Central Park
Santa Monica Civic Center Park
Santa Monica Civic Park
Santa Monica Common….no “S”
Santa Monica Garden of Eden Center
Santa Monica Garden Walk
Santa Monica Glades
Santa Monica Nature Walk
Santa Monica Ocean Park
Santa Monica Ocean View Park
Santa Monica Paradise Park
Santa Monica Sliders
Santa Monica View Park
Scrub Jay Park
Sea View Park
Seascape Park
Seaside Park
Shark Park
Slide Park
Spaceship Adventure Fun Park
St. Augustine Public Park
Sunny Park
Sunrise Horizon Community Park
Sunset Beach Park
Sunshine Park
The Beautiful Garden Park
The Big Green
The Big Green Park
The Edge
The Falls Park
The Garden Park
The Main Park
The Mecca
The New Bum Park
The New Life Park
The Shire
The Tongva Commons
Tongva Arroyo
Tongva Tribe Park
Vahedi Park
Village Park
Water World Park
Wonderful Waterfalls Park