Spring is in the air and as flowers start to bloom you might notice an increase in the bee population as well. Bee products have long been used in medicine and cooking as a healthy alternative.
Honey contains the vitamins and minerals that are lacking in refined table sugar, making it a much healthier sweetener. As a folk remedy, honey has traditionally been taken for heartburn and stomach ulcers. Read on to find out what they can do for your health.
Self-Healing With Honey: The Natural Antibiotic
In fact, Western research indicates that honey may halt the growth of H. pylori, the bacteria responsible for most gastric ulcers, and the caffeic acid found in honey may also prevent colon cancer. The only warning for this delicious, bacteria-fighting sweetener is that it should never be given to a child under the age of one because raw honey may contain botulism spores.
Here are some home remedies for common ailments, in which honey takes center stage!
1) First aid for wounds. Honey can also be used topically. Honey-soaked gauze can be wrapped around burns and wounds to help healing and applied to insect bites to soothe and prevent infections.
2) Soothe a sore throat. Eat a teaspoon of honey to soothe and coat the throat.
3) Remedy your allergies. One teaspoon of unfiltered and unprocessed honey taken daily can do wonders for allergies.
4) Cure a cough. Core and peel one Asian pear, adding one tablespoon of honey to the center, and steam or bake for 10-15 minutes. Eat this two to three times a day to nourish your lungs and soothe a cough.
5) Counteract constipation. When you wake up in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a 12 oz glass of lukewarm water with one tablespoon of honey.
Be Healthy With Bee Pollen And Propolis
Here are two bee products that might surprise you with their beneficial properties: bee pollen and propolis. Bee pollen, rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids, gives your energy and vitality a boost. It also protects the liver from toxins and benefits men with enlarged prostates.
Propolis is a resin that’s secreted by the bees to repair their hive and it acts as a protective layer against invading microbes and other organisms. Propolis stimulates immune functions and is full of flavonoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains terpenoids, which possess antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agents.
Similar to certain prescription antibiotics, propolis can prevent bacterial cell division and break down the cell walls of invading organisms. Of course, never stop prescription medication without checking with your doctor. Get this substance in propolis-enriched honey or capsules.
All Hail the Queen Bee!
Another bee product that you may have heard about is royal jelly. In Asian cultures, royal jelly is considered a powerful longevity tonic; it has been touted to stimulate immunity, vitality, and virility.
Royal jelly is rich in vitamins and collagen – a protein that we lose as we get older. Royal jelly has also been found to effectively fight tumors, particularly the sarcoma type. An antibacterial protein in the substance, called royalisin, is powerful protection from certain bacteria, including streptococcus and staphylococcus.
This incredibly therapeutic jelly is the food reserved for queen bees. Here’s where it gets interesting: the queen bee lives five to seven years while the worker bees live only five to seven weeks. When the queen bee is fed the same food as the worker bees, she has the same life span of five to seven weeks. It’s no wonder that royal jelly is celebrated as a longevity tonic throughout Asia!
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
Dr. Mao Shing Ni, best known as Dr. Mao is a bestselling author, doctor of Oriental Medicine and board certified anti-aging expert. He has recently appeared on “The Ricki Lake Show,” “Dr. Oz,” and contributes to Yahoo Health and The Huffington Post. Dr. Mao practices acupuncture, nutrition, and Chinese medicine with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica, Newport Beach, and Pasadena. Dr. Mao and his brother, Dr. Daoshing Ni, founded the Tao of Wellness more than 25 years ago in addition to founding Yo San University in Marina del Rey. To make an appointment for evaluation and treatment please call 310.917.2200 or you can email Dr. Mao at contact@taoofwellness.com. To subscribe to his tip-filled newsletter please visit www.taoofwellness.com.