A special surprise event will be held Friday afternoon at the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Monica JAMS Branch to celebrate its Club youth with two national awards to recognize their leadership and service in the community.
The pre-teen Club members will be recognized for their outstanding efforts in Health and Fitness and Education, with first and third place for the Torch Club Award from Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) and Staples Foundation, a private foundation created by Staples, Inc.
At the event, representatives from Staples will present two oversized checks for $2,500 and $1,000 to members of the unit’s Torch Club to honor them for the positive impact they’ve had on the local community.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica’s JAMS Clubhouse Torch Club members are being celebrated for the positive impact they’ve had on their community.
The middle school-age youth have completed a variety of service projects throughout the school year, including:
— Held its Annual Elections for Torch Club Officers on the actual National Election Day. Members learned what it means to be civically responsible by going through the process themselves.
— National service award, “Christmas Care for Canines” benefitted the homeless with animals. Those who go to the OPCC homeless shelter to get food can now get food for their pet too.
— Store Front Clean Up- The Torch Club cleaned all the business fronts including windows, sweeping
— Heal the Bay, a project that the Club goes out to the beach and picks up trash and teaches members about taking care of the environment and how actions affect the world around us
— Hosting Club-wide debates (Be Great Debate) to discuss local issues
The national award honors the youth members’ hard work and is highly regarded by Boys & Girls Club Torch Club members, so the youth will be very excited by the recognition.