Editor’s Note: Below is the Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution’s statement from CRAAP director Martin Rubin in response to the City of Santa Monica’s lawsuit filed against the FAA on Thursday.
I am encouraged that Santa Monica Mayor Pam O’Connor included protecting community health in her strong quote. Health is a huge part of the equation, and the Federal Government needs to be accountable for the health of airport neighbors.
Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution is interested in results. If this lawsuit will get us the results we need quickly then we applaud the City for taking this action. Residents of Los Angeles need to know that their interests will be represented as well as the interests of Santa Monica residents.
Every day that goes by that residents downwind from SMO are inundated with toxic jet fumes is another day their public health is put in jeopardy, and it’s been going on for more than two decades! The City of Santa Monica and the FAA are the two responsible entities regarding SMO. Thursday’s action by the City is encouraging.