A new start venue, point-to-point structure, and exciting new coastal routes are the centerpieces of the annual Bike MS Coastal Challenge: Santa Monica to Santa Barbara to be held on October 11 and 12, 2014.
Organized by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the ride is moving to the Civic Center in Santa Monica.
MS (multiple sclerosis), an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system, interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body.
More than 104,000 Southern California residents live with the disease.
Relocating to Santa Monica creates great new routes featuring priceless views of the Pacific Ocean, and challenging, but rewarding, hill climbing through the Santa Monica Mountains.
Cyclists will ride 30, 65 or 100 mile route options on Saturday, and 35 or 50 miles on Sunday.
Cyclists who opt for the 65 and 100 mile route options on Saturday will travel north from Santa Monica, ending at San Buenaventura State Beach in Ventura, while 30 mile cyclists begin and end their first day in Ventura.
All riders depart from Ventura on Sunday morning as they make their way to picturesque Santa Barbara City College with either 35 or 50 mile route options.
Multiple route options and varying levels of difficulty during the two-day ride make this year’s Coastal Challenge the perfect choice for all experience levels.
To participate in Bike MS Coastal Challenge: Santa Monica to Santa Barbara, each rider agrees to raise a minimum of $350 to help people with MS in Southern California and Nevada, and to fund cutting-edge research to stop progression, restore function, and end MS forever.
Riders and volunteers can register online at www.bikeMSsocal.org.