Traffic lanes heading to and from one of the Southland’s most-popular beaches will be narrowed at two choke points this summer, officials said on Sunday.
Both Pacific Coast Highway and Kanan-Dume Road are due for major construction projects from Caltrans and L.A. County. Those are the only two direct routes leading from Los Angeles or the San Fernando Valley to Zuma Beach, a major summertime day-trip attraction.
On PCH in Malibu, a section of roadway has developed cracks and depressions above a concrete retaining wall, in a landslide-prone section of coastline near Malibu Cove Colony.
Caltrans has announced plans to build new retaining structures to prevent damage to the road and beachfront property. All four lanes of the highway will be shifted inland during the project.
On Kanan-Dume Road, the county Department of Public Works plans to start detours next week at the southern-most set of dual tunnels, about 4 miles north of PCH.
Two-way traffic will share one narrow tube and speeds will be limited to 35 mph there, the county said, as new tunnel linings are installed.