In order to install rail across 19th Street for the Expo Line project, the design build contractor Skanska-Rados, Joint Venture (SRJV) will need to implement a full closure of the area.
The full five-day continuous closure begins at 8 am on Monday July 7. It will continue through 10 pm on Friday, July 11, 2014.
Click here for a high-resolution map of the detours.
Work hours will be 8 am to 10 pm daily at 19th Street at the Expo ROW crossing, between Colorado Avenue and Olympic Boulevard. 19th Street will be temporarily closed between Colorado Avenue and Olympic Boulevard.
Traffic will be detoured to 20th Street and 17th Street.
Pedestrian access will be limited and managed by flaggers as necessary. Local access will be maintained at all times.
Electronic message boards, directional signage and flaggers will be used to direct vehicles and pedestrians around the construction zone.
Parking restrictions will be implemented. Signage with specific restrictions will be strictly enforced and will be in place in all construction areas.
Noise levels will be monitored to ensure compliance and the work area will be watered down to minimize dust.