Dear Editor,
We the Convention Delegates to the SMRR Convention on August 3, 2014 were robbed by the SMRR Co-Chair Patricia Hoffman not allowing us our third round of voting for City Council Candidates.
The voting strategy on the third and final round could have been quite different from the previous two rounds.
This deprived us Convention Delegates of our right to select the SMRR City Council candidates by changing the election rules at the very end.
We assumed and planned for three voting rounds and then the SMRR Co-Chair abrogated our voting rights.
After this a majority of the Delegates present voted to preserve their third round voting rights but were again overruled by the SMRR Co-Chair.
SMRR should be ashamed of themselves for robbing their very own Convention Delegates of their right to vote for the City Council Candidates using SMRR’s very own published agenda.
Dr Daniel Galamba
Santa Monica, CA