The 63rd anniversary display of the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes will start Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015.
The 13 life-size scenes depicting events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ will be located at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 1343 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica, and will remain through Epiphany, Jan. 6, 2016.
The display will start along Maple Street one block north of Ocean Park Boulevard west of 14th Street; it will end along 14th Street.
To drive past
From Ocean Park Boulevard, turn north on Euclid (13th), then right on Maple and continue along Maple to the Scenes; then at the stop sign, turn right cautiously onto 14th Street.
To park and walk past
Parking is available in the church parking lot; enter off 14th Street.
The Nativity Scenes Committee said it is deeply grateful to the people of Mount Olive Lutheran Church and Pastor Eric Shafer for providing a home for the Nativity Scenes for the display.
A three-judge panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled April 30 against the Committee’s lawsuit seeking to return its booths to Palisades Park, ending its court effort.
Opening Ceremony at Palisades Park
Although the Scenes will be displayed at Mount Olive Lutheran Church this year, the opening ceremony will take place in Palisades Park, longtime home of the Scenes.
It will take place at 3 pm on Sunday, Dec. 13, along Ocean Avenue at the foot of Arizona Avenue.
The ceremony will feature the recitation of the Christmas story, Christmas carols, and display of a large banner with photos of the Scenes and accompanying scriptures.
A Community Party will be held at Mount Olive Back at Mount Olive Lutheran Church; all are invited to Interfaith Christmas Jazz Vespers at 5 pm Dec. 13. Then the church will be host to a community party in the parking lot at 6:30 pm welcoming the Nativity Scenes.
Anyone is welcome to make a financial contribution to meet expenses of putting up and taking down the scenes and for storage, insurance, and advertising.
Donations may be made online at the Nativity Scenes website, or by mailing a check to the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee, P.O. Box 0648, Santa Monica, CA 90406. Donations are not tax deductible.