With metro set to launch in summer, Santa Monica’s Bergamot Station is set for a new lease of life with the small community of art galleries and design-oriented small businesses that call Bergamot home worried about development in the area.
Today, Monday February 22nd, the gallery owners plan to speak in opposition to a vote of the majority of the Bergamot Advisory Committee (BAC) to put a hotel on city-owned land there.
Last the BAC voted in favor of a hotel development despite the objections of the gallery owners.
A "Special Meeting" is slated for today at 2 pm at the Writers Boot Camp at Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave, Santa Monica CA 90404.
The public is welcome and public comment will be accepted.
On the agenda: "Review the BAC Motion from January 13, 2016 meeting on the “Tier 2” Hotel for a potential revote given the new information on Tier 2 and Tier 3 height limits."