By Tami Peavy, MPT Physical Therapist
Life can be stressful. When it is, we respond by becoming ‘shallow breathers’ taking short shallow breaths without filling up the entire lung and chest cavity. We breathe using just a portion of our full lung capacity. We do this unconsciously in response to stress or even intense concentration. Unfortunately, as a result we reduce our vital lung capacity and the amount of oxygen that is available to our system, including our brain. This can cause headaches, impaired alertness and fatigue. When the brain does not receive enough oxygen, all basic functions are affected including concentration and memory.
Shallow breathing can also cause weight gain, or an inability to lose weight. Breathing in a shallow manner reduces metabolism and slows down the burning of fat and calories. Years of shallow breathing makes our lungs less efficient and dead space is created with inadequate ventilation. This can make you more prone to respiratory infection and make it more difficult to recover relojes imitacion baratos from illness.
Blowing air against resistance creates negative pressure. That pressure can inflate the distal portions of the lungs and clear out the dead space. Balloon therapy can create this resistance for you. Literally exercising your lungs and jump starting your metabolism.
Tami Peavy is a Physical Therapist with over 15 years of experience in physical rehabilitation of adults with chronic pain, injuries, disease, aging disorders and postural deformities. As founder of PracticalTherapy4U she has created her own unigue brand of instructional programs for healing offering free educational videos as well as dvds and downloads for personal use at home and at work.