Event to Thank Senator Ben Allen for Leadership in Passage of “Theatre and Dance Act” (TADA!)
What: California leaders in arts and arts education recognize the leadership of Senator Ben Allen and celebrate the passage of SB 916 with a press event and reception followed by Dance Sundays featuring “Break the Floor Hip Hop,” a free fun and energetic outdoor dance class for all ages.
- Senator Ben Allen (SD26)
- Joe Landon, Executive Director, California Alliance for Arts Education, Arts Now California
- Mark Slavkin, Director of Education, Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
- Craig Watson, Director, California Arts Council
- Carol Hovey, Past-President, CA Educational Theatre Association (CETA) & Livermore High School Theatre Program Director & Livermore Performing Arts Facility Theater Manager
- Jessy Kronenberg, Co-President, CA Dance Education Association (CDEA) & Dance Program Director, El Cerrito High School
When: Sunday, December 11, 2016, 11am to noon.
Where: Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, 9390 N Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills
Hosts: The California Alliance for Arts Education, California Dance Education Association, California Educational Theatre Association, and the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
MEDIA Contact: Toni Robin, TR/PR Public Relations, 858.483.3918, tr@trprsandiego.com
MORE INFORMATION: https://sb916tadacelebration.eventbrite.com
BACKGROUND: On September 26th, Governor Jerry Brown corrected a longstanding injustice in California’s arts education delivery system, and set the course for a brighter future for California’s students by signing SB 916 (Allen) into law. This new law addresses an issue facing California’s arts education advocates since 1970, when Dance and Theatre credentials were eliminated. Senator Ben Allen (D-Los Angeles), Chair of the Joint Committee on the Arts, introduced Senate Bill 916, the “Theatre and Dance Act” (TADA!), to establish those credentials. SB 916 was passed unanimously by both houses of the legislature, buoyed by the support of Annette Bening, the California Teachers Association, the California Federation of Teachers, and a multitude of organizations and individuals across the state.