Marc Brackett, Ph.D., Director, and Robin Stern, Associate Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and Co-Developers of RULER, an evidence-based program designed to teach social and emotional intelligence skills.
In this challenging time–from the personal to the political–when fear, anxiety, and feelings are running high, how do we handle difficult conversations? How do we help our children hold onto role models of good behavior? How do we understand another’s perspective? How do we communicate with our peers and conduct constructive conversations with our children?
Tuesday, April 18
7:00 p.m.
The Willows Community School
8509 Higuera Street, Culver City
Free and open to the public. Reservations Required.
RSVP at:
Marc and Robin will guide us through steps and strategies for having emotionally intelligent conversations with both adults and children, offering tips for all ages and suggestions for conversation starters with children and teens.
Learn how to
- Use emotion skills to prepare for a difficult conversation — check in with yourself first
- Begin the conversation with emotional intelligence — what do you say to start
- Effectively engage in the conversation — be clear and consistent about your perspective, listen compassionately to your child’s feelings, maintain calm in delivering your message
Don’t miss their insight on how we communicate with our children and have emotionally intelligent conversations on difficult subjects.