Come and meet the Santa Monica City Clerk staff during City Clerks Week, May 7 to 10. City Clerk Denise Anderson-Warren and her staff will be holding two events that will highlight the Public Records Request Center, a new online tool that will help community members submit/track new records requests and download free copies. The week’s activities will also register voters and provide an overview of what a City Clerks’ office does.

On Thursday, May 10, the City Clerk team will host a “Coffee with a City Clerk” event, in front of City Hall from 8 – 11 a.m. to provide coffee and conversation about public records, upcoming elections, and the office’s other services. For more information on the Public Records Request Center, visit
If you aren’t able to attend the events at City Hall, follow the City of Santa Monica on Twitter for a look at a Week in the Life of the City Clerk’s Office. Follow along using #CityClerksWeek.