A report on Santa Monica Airport (SMO) was issued by Santa Monica City recently…
Dear Community Member:
Happy first day of summer. I hope this note finds you well. I know this is the second communication you are seeing from me in one week, but since we posted the Airport operations data for the month of May yesterday, I wanted to share its availability with you sooner than later.
Please find here our reporting of daily departures from January 1, 2018 through May 31, 2018 broken down by helicopter, jet, piston, and turboprop operations. For the fifth month in a row, we are seeing a drastic decline in aircraft activity since we shortened the runway at the end of December. This is the first month where aircraft activity was down across all categories compared to the two-year average for the same month.
In the May year-over-year comparison, we see an 83% decrease in jet operations. This is slightly down from the April operations figures. Turboprop activity is down by 14% in May, which is the first decrease in this category since we shortened the runway, except for the year-over-year comparison for March, which we believe may have been a result of inclement weather. Similarly, helicopter activity is down by 2%. This, too, is the first decrease since the runway was shortened.
Happy start of a great summer. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me to share your feedback or questions. Thank you.
For more information regarding the Airport, including updates on any ongoing projects, please visit www.smgov.net/airport.