By Henry K. Long
The Upper West Restaurant will celebrate the art of French painter Veronique Periano on Sunday, August 26. The solo exhibition entitled “You Got Me Floatin’” will feature over seventeen works painted by the artist in 2017 and 2018.
Veronique Periano was introduced to the Upper West by her sister-in-law, a frequent diner at the restaurant. She knew that Periano’s art would look beautiful in the restaurant. Periano in turn, immediately loved the idea. “It is a beautiful space, tastefully done…great art on the walls. The restaurant is not afraid to take a risk and break away from the trends.”
Periano spent the first four years of her life in Algeria and then all over France, but she mostly lived in the South of France, in Marseille. This is where she developed her love of art. “I was always involved in all types of arts and crafts…I started working with canvas and acrylic in 1992.”
Periano paints every day and does not work in series, but rather one style at a time working on each painting through completion. Her medium of choice is acrylic on canvas. “It’s not complicated to use, but delivers great results. I believe simplicity and freedom of shape and form are tightly related.” She also incorporates mixed media into her work.

Like many artists, Periano has a day job, but schedules her painting sessions each day both before and after work. “I paint in the middle of the night when sleep evades me. I am always thinking of my next piece, said said. “I start and finish one piece per month as a minimum, that’s a given!”
In addition to her daily she painting sessions, she also takes time to find inspiration. Walking has become a rewarding pastime for her. Many times she will incorporate organic items that she has picked up into the painting. She has done this with her work entitled “A forest”.
Another painting “Bagpipes and Lavender” was inspired by Scotland and Provence. Periano said the Scottish fabric and music, all added to her inspiration….even the smell of lavender from Provence. “It’s the perfect mix…France and Scotland are longtime friends.”
Periano said she regularly visits museums and small galleries alike…“Art is everywhere!” She cited artists such as Mark Rothko, Picasso and Los Angeles painter Ed Moses as an inspiration. Moses who passed away earlier in the year had a huge impact on Periano. “Ed Moses represents everything I love about Southern California. His free spirit and risk-taking abilities, and complete trust in the process are for me an example to follow daily.”
Another artist, who is also a friend is Scott Heywood…she added, “He teaches the lesson of singleness of purpose.”
“You Got Me Floatin’ Opens” on Sunday, August 26 from 4-7 p.m. at the Upper West Restaurant, 3321 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica 90404. Veronique Periano will be in attendance at the artist reception. This is a free event, open to the public. For additional info about the artist and the event, see websites: