February 16, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Doc Drew’s Swish Issue 3, Volume 2

By Dr. Paul Drew

Welcome to the thirdissue of volume two of Swish, a weekly periodical with recaps and photos of Santa Monica YMCA youth basketball games, and other pertinent info such as standings, schedules, announcements, and updates from the program.

Although the Rookie division had no games this weekend, there was plenty of action in the Bantams, Minors, and Majors.  All games were competitive and had many games came down to free throws to determine the final outcome.

Fouls and free throws

In our league, when a player gets fouled in the act of shooting, we wait until halftime and the end of regulation to have players take their free throws.  Thus, we do not interrupt the flow of the game by having players shoot free throws in the middle of the game.  We keep track of who was awarded the free throws, and that player will shoot the free throws at halftime if he or she was fouled in the act of shooting in the first half, and if fouled in the second half, then free throws will be done at the end of regulation.  

Also, teams can be awarded free throws if they are in the “Bonus”, in which the opposing team has committed the 7th team foul in one half.  If a team is in the bonus, and their player gets a non-shooting foul, then that player will be awarded an “one and one” in which they get one free throw, and are rewarded a second free throw if they make the first.  If an opposing team commits their 10th foul in one half, then that player is awarded two free throws regardless of the type of foul committed.  This is referred to as a “Double-Bonus”

If any player is to be awarded free throws via “Bonus” or “Double-Bonus”, then the team committing the foul will take possession, and play continues.  Once again, the player, awarded free throws, will shoot the free throws at halftime or the end of the game depending on which half the free throws were awarded.

Hopefully, not too confusing.  But we want to keep the flow of the game moving, and not have games go extra lengths or take time away from the game in order to pause for free throws.

If you were unable to get your child in the Winter season of YMCA youth basketball, then please sign up for the Spring season.  Registration for Spring season will be available in person at the YMCA or online at www.YMCASM.org beginning February 1st, and the Spring season will start on March 18th, 2019.

Tips for the First-Time Coach

The Santa Monica YMCA youth basketball program relies on coaches that are volunteers.  Many of our coaches are coaching youth sports for the first time, and the following is some helpful advice from the Positive Coaching Alliance for these new youth coaches.  If anyone is interested in becoming a youth sports coach, then I highly recommend to visit https://www.positivecoach.org/ in order to learn about the Power of Positive.

Tips for the First-Time Coach
First-time coaches often are parent volunteers. A typical scenario has mom or dad registering a young child in a youth sports organization, which then asks parents to volunteer. The parent might consider him or herself capable of being an assistant coach, and then all of a sudden is named a head coach!
Many first-time coaches find this role harder than they expected, so here are concrete tips to ease matters and help your youth athletes.

1) Let your child know you’re considering coaching. Explain that you’re really looking forward to this, and ask for feedback about it. Your child’s opinion may or may not change your decision about coaching, but it’s good to have your child in on this new role you’ll be playing from the beginning.

2) Be clear on your own goals for coaching. Coaches of kids just starting to play a sport may have the simple goal of a season enjoyable enough that everyone returns for next season.

3) Share your goals with your players and their parents from the start. Having a pre-season parent meeting is ideal. If it’s too late for that, just get the parents together at the end of a practice and let them know why you’re out there. It might sound like this: “My number one goal this season is to give your kids such an enjoyable experience that they all can’t wait for next season. And, yes, I hope to teach them some skills, too!” Of course, if you have more ambitious goals in terms of skill development or imparting life lessons, share those, too.

4) Invite the parents to help. It often helps to have some parents pitch in at practices and games. If you invite them directly, they will likely support you with a few extra hands. Getting them involved at your practices also makes it more likely they’ll be comfortable practicing the sport with their child outside of official practice time.

5) Welcome each player by name at every practice and game. When kids arrive to coaches who are smiling and greeting them by name, they feel welcome and positive from the start.

6) Plan practices that keep kids active. When kids are moving and active, they are more likely to stay focused. At the younger ages, avoid lines. Bring plenty of equipment, so kids are not standing around waiting for their turn. Find games/drills that give kids a lot of repeated practice of the skills.

7) Face the sun, take a knee and be brief. When you’re talking to your athletes, get onto their level
(at least physically!) by taking a knee, so you can (literally and figuratively) see eye-to-eye. Find the sun, and make sure you’re facing into it. Then make the most of the 30-60 seconds you’ve got their attention! Six 60-second conversations with your players at a practice are much better than two 5-minute conversations!

8) Pick 1-2 areas of focus per practice/game. You likely only have one hour for your practice. Pick one topic (two at the most!) to introduce and repeat over and over again. At the start of practice you might say, “Today is going to be all about passing.” Then each time you bring the players in, ask them, “What is our focus today?” Then have this same focus for your competition that week. Whenever you see it being executed well, let your players know it, “Milo, awesome pass to Nathan!”

9) Create a team cheer and do it often. Young kids love having adults who are willing to be silly with them. Bring them in multiple times during practice to do their cheer, and make sure they see and hear you as an active participant.

10) End practice/competition on a positive note. At the end of practice or a competition call in all of the athletes and the parents. Ask the kids: “Who saw one of your teammates do something well?” The kids are actually good at answering this question. Then ask the parents, “Parents, what did you see that you liked?” This gives the parents a nice chance to recognize specific, positive things they saw, and it ends the practice/competition on a high note.

11) Don’t forget, this can be hard! Most parents are surprised by how hard it is to feel successful coaching. We go in with very high expectations, and we don’t have control over the outcome! You are not alone. Find other coaches who have been doing this for a while, and share your challenges. They can serve as a wonderful resource.

PCA thanks you for being a coach! Without you, kids would not have the opportunity to play. When you’re in the thick of it, it’s hard to remember just how quickly this time passes, so we want to take this chance to remind you to make the most of it, as it’s a time you and your child will always remember.


No games were scheduled


The all-girls Bantam Cubs enjoying a victory snack.  Photo by Caroline Byfield

The girls team, the Cubs, secured their first victory this weekend. The team’s strong defense, led by Isabella Van Bilderbeek, Macy Zelenovic, Daisy Siegler and Annika Cook successfully held off the the Giants. The Cubs offense was led by Bella Kariger and Veronica Machala.  Delilah Holsey and Victoria McNary were key players on both fronts. The team continues to grow and learn with each game and promises to be a fierce competitor as the season unfolds.  Submitted by Caroline Byfield

“Player of the Game”, the Cubs Bella Kariger

Giants 6 Cubs 16.  The Giants fought hard against a persistent Cubs offense, and wall of defense that was tough to penetrate. The Giants did their best, with scoring led by James Petrovich (4 points) and Vihaan Nawathe (2). The Giants were all over the rebounds in their valiant effort – with Petrovich leading the pack with 7 boards, followed by Jacopo Stabilini (4), Harlan Mansfield (4), Nawathe (3), and Owen Benham (2). Petrovich also helped he defensive effort by adding a blocked shot and 3 steals. Nawathe and Benham also each had steals.  Submitted by Jason Moore

Rockies “Player of the Game” Noah McLaurin after a spectacular performance against the Pirates.

The Cardinals played a great team game in their matchup against the talented Diamondbacks.  Jenson Montague scored his first Bantam basket, Miles Franklin had a bucket.  Monika Diaz, Conor Durcan, and Aiden Lin each had two field goals.  Dominic Drew put on a passing clinic with 4 assists, and Rayan Etemadnia was a defensive beast, by being everywhere on the floor, grabbing rebounds and making steals.  All Cardinals played unselfishly and showed great team play on offense and defense.  It was good thing that we built a lead in the first half, because the Diamondbacks had some really good shooting and dribbling from Landon Broiher who had all of his 8 points in the second half for the Diamondbacks.  Ben Steelman and River Zelenovic displayed fine overall play for the Diamondbacks.  Final score 16-10 for the Cardinals.  Submitted by Coach Paul Drew

“Player of the Game” Rayan Etemadnia of the Cardinals, with his Coach Paul Drew.  Photo by Amir Etemadnia

The Brewers took on the Reds in a nail biter of a game that went back and forth right up until the final whistle, The Reds jumped out to an early lead but thanks to the defense and rebounding of Sebastian Jukonivic and Noah Hagooli Bolanos, (who finished with a game high 8 rebounds), as well as the scoring and rebounding of Vaughn Elliot, the Brewers were able to keep it close at the half. In the 2nd half Sammy Levi and Julian Reed both pitched in 4 points each in the 3rd quarter and the Brewers pulled ahead. The final quarter was an exciting one with both teams matching each other shot for shot. Ultimately it was Player of The Game Alan Larkin in only his second ever Bantam game, who won it with 2 key baskets in the final minutes and the Brewers came out ahead with a 17-14 victory.  Submitted by Coach Bill Kravitz

The Reds Felix Idell uses his crossover move, while wing closely guarded by Dylan Kravitz of the Brewers.  Photo by Saara Masood
The Brewers Alan Larkin with his “Player of the Game” award.  Alan had a clutch basket in the final seconds in his game against the Reds

The second game of the weekend for the Brewers had us playing the Rockies who thanks to some great outside shooting quickly jumped out to a big early lead.But our team didn’t get rattled and started to claw back into the game. Julian Weinerman and Sammy Levi scored baskets to keep it close and Dylan Kravitz scored his first ever point in Bantam League on a free throw, and we only trailed at halftime 12-6. The 2nd half saw each team match each other with baskets throughout, and in the end the Brewers lost a good one 21-16 for our first loss of the season. A big shout out to Vaughn Elliot who made both of his free throws to close out the scoring.  Submitted by Coach Bill Kravitz

The Rockies Noah McLaurin brings the ball up the court against the Brewers.  Photo by Elaine Kaplan
Rockies set up their offense against the Brewers. Photo by Oscar Bolaños

Winning by a narrow margin, the Padres put forth another impressive team effort.  Defensively, the team continues to grow and the Padres had several steals and blocks.  Teddy Chang, Kingston Andes Jake Kazerani and Leo Garcia were very active players defensively. Parker Keslow, James Cook and Ethan Pages were instrumental offensively.  Submitted by Coach Kerri Keslow

The Padres Ethan Pages takes the ball down the court.  Photo by Kerri Keslow


The Padres Teddy Chang takes a shot against the Reds defense.  Photo by Saara Masood

As an exciting part of the weekend, the Dodgers played two games, Saturday against the Diamondbacks and Sunday against the Pirates. Both were exciting games and both teams were at or near full strength. All players were fully engaged & wanted to play good ball!
From the beginning of the game everyone was giving a great effort, with both teams hustling after every loose ball. The players demonstrated good teamwork; They showed great sportsmanship, even when they were caught up in the excitement of the game!  The lessons the coaches teach in practice clearly reach the players, from looking to pass to an open teammate to supporting each other on defense.
Equally impressive was the individual skill of the players, who already are showing improvement over the beginning of the season:  Cam Pariser, Michael Mikhaïl, Oliver Kawalczuk and Xavier Aldaz all made baskets;  Shai Painter, Walker Levitt, Gideon Hittner, Brandon Israels & Richard Haro caught numerous rebounds & played solid defense!  Their running and jumping abilities are also advancing — it is amazing how fast and how high these players can go!  They gave spectators quite a show!
Both teams gave an excellent effort and deserve to be proud of how hard they tried!  Submitted by Mya Painter

The Dodgers Shai Painter guards the Diamondbacks Ben Steelman.  Photo by Mya Painter


Darrien Jones of the Phillies proudly displays his “Player of the Game” award
Game action between the Tigers and the Phillies
Where’s the ball?  Can you find it in this match between the Rangers and the White Sox?
Sharpshooter Theo Haberli of the White Sox, “Player of the Game”


Royals vs Mariners – Saturday, January 26, 2019
The Royals faced the Mariners in a close match on Saturday, leading by only one point at half time. Tensions started rising in the second half as they were up by 3 points at the end of the third and led by 9 points when the buzzer rang at the end of the 4th quarter. The team watch tensely as the Mariners took a whopping 26 free throw shots. Fortunately for the Royals, the Mariners were only able to land 11 of them giving them a 2-point lead before the Royals took their chance. Griffin Pine landed 2 of 2 and then Keenan Bryant landed a third giving the Royals a second straight win with a final score of 53-52. Bryant was player of the game having gained 20 points. The Royals score was also helped with 14 points from Pine, followed by Jack Froom with 6, Xailoh Hermosillo with 5, Jaxson Glowacki, 4, and 2 each from Luke Khosla and Nathan Norman. Glowacki’s impressive rebounding skills helped to keep the Royals afloat in the first half, along with a strong defensive block by Pine, and a couple quicks steals by Hermosillo.  Submitted by Wendy Hermosillo

The Royals Keenan Bryant got “Player of the Game” for his clutch three pointer in the last minute, and game winning free throw in a thrilling match between the Royals and the Mariners

Angels over the Rangers.  This game was all about our defense, as we held the Rangers to 6 points in the first half and coasted to a 33-15 victory.  Granted, the Rangers had no luck with the hoop, as half their shots seemed to rim out, but we played well on defense for 4 quarters. Timosha Moncher led us with 16 points, but this was a team effort on both sides of the ball.  Amir Jahromi, Lorenzo Stabilini, and Dom Kajota filled the stat sheet with their solid all-around play, but extra props go out to Sheamus Daniels, Taylor Chen, and Sebastian Fouquette.  With a few of our players missing, those 3 got some extra playing time and played very well.  Submitted by Coach Rick Moncher

This week’s Profile:

Each week, Swish has a profile of a coach, player, or someone in the program who inspires all of us involved in Santa Monica YMCA basketball.

This week’s profile features the Harris family.  Father Peter has been coaching Rookie teams the past couple of seasons, and helps to bring incredible positive energy to the kids and the program.  Furthermore, his daughter Scarlett and son Oliver bring excitement and joy to the program, with their enthusiasm for basketball.

I asked a few questions to the Harris Family

DocDrew:  What do you enjoy most about coaching youth basketball at the Santa Monica YMCA?

Pete:  It’s a great, well-kept facility, and it feels even better to step into a gym packed with really nice people, all trying to help kids. It’s the most positive program I’ve ever been around.

DocDrew:  Which are your favorite memories or moments in your coaching career at the YMCA?

Pete:  My first season coaching we got better every practice and every game. It was a group of basketball lovers. We started off losing our first game and ended the season a tournament champion.

DocDrew:  What would you like to see in the future for the youth basketball program at the YMCA?

Pete:  The program is the envy of the neighborhood. It’s being run so well other parents and coaches say as much to me. The only thing I can think to add is a YouTube channel. Paul, as you say, kids love to see themselves in media, and these days, kids probably would really love to see either their games, highlights or interviews on the internet in some manner.

DocDrew:  What do you like about playing basketball at the Santa Monica YMCA?

Scarlett: I really like it because of lots of things—really good players get sorted, and the teams are fair. No one is super mean. I like that parents get to be coaches. The games are really fun.

Oliver:  I like getting better and better and trying to win!

DocDrew:  What are your favorite moments in your basketball playing history?

Scarlett:  My first season we weren’t the best team, and I still really liked it. The second team I was on we were {overall season} champions, but I wasn’t super big on the team. I didn’t take any shots. On the Anteaters, I took shots, but didn’t make them. On the Crows, I played with my Dad, and made a free throw! And on the Blue Jays right now, I’m scoring!

Oliver:  When I became a YMCA player for the first time was really cool. I like when I got a big steal on my first team, the Anteaters. I also got a steal when I was Crow right before subs!

DocDrew:  Do you have any favorite basketball players?

Scarlett:  On the Crows, my best friend Veronica Machala. On the Splash, we had a lot of good players {that helped us win a championship} On the Blue Jays, Lincoln {McCannel} and Sylvie {Levitt} are really good.

Oliver:  LeBron James. Marcin Gortat {Dad helping here again: We went to Clippers Polish Heritage Day this year, and it seems to have made an impact}.

Harris Family:  Coach Peter, daughter Scarlett, son Oliver

All of us, at the Santa Monica YMCA youth basketball program, thank the Harris family for their dedication in helping to motivate and provide encouragement to all our youth players.


A special congratulations to “The Voice” of USC football, Pete Arbogast.  For the second straight year, Pete has won the award from the Southern California Sports Broadcasters Association as the radio play-by-play announcer of the year for 2018.  Pete resurrected the Santa Monica YMCA youth basketball program in 2011, and made it into the excellent program that it is today.  Pete’s classic phrase that he says after USC scores a touchdown: “How do you do!”  We say that we are doing well, and thanks to all that you have done for the program, “Fight On!”


Saturday, January 26th


No games scheduled


Pirates 13, Rockies 20

Dodgers 14, Diamondbacks 10

Reds 14, Brewers 18

Giants 6, Cubs 16


Phillies 24, Tigers 13

Rangers 31, White Sox 33


Astros 49, Rangers 35

Mariners 52, Royals 53

Sunday, January 27th


No games scheduled


Padres 17, Reds 15

Brewers 16, Rockies 21

Diamondbacks 10, Cardinals 16

Dodgers 7, Pirates 9


White Sox 18, Phillies 32

Marlins 13, Rangers 25

Braves 19, Tigers 20


Rangers 15, Angels 33


Teams are awarded 5 points for a win, 3 points for a tie, 1 point for a loss, 0 points for a forfeit.  Tournament games have greater point value.  Teams are listed in their place in the standings with W-L-T and team points


Orioles 2-0-0, 10 points

Rays 2-0-0, 10 points

Red Sox 1-1-0, 6 points

Yankees 1-1-0, 6 points

Twins 0-2-0, 2 points

Blue Jays 0-2-0, 2 points


Dodgers 2-1-1, 14 points

Diamondbacks 2-2-0, 12 points

Rockies 2-2-0, 12 points

Pirates 2-2-0, 12 points

Brewers 2-1-0, 11 points

Cardinals 2-1-0, 11 points

Padres 1-1-1, 9 points

Giants 1-2-0, 7 points

Reds 1-2-0, 7 points

Cubs 1-2-0, 7 points


Phillies 3-1-0, 16 points

Rangers 2-1-0, 11 points

Nationals 2-0-0, 10 points

White Sox 1-2-0, 7 points

Marlins 1-2-0, 7 points

Tigers 1-2-0, 7 points

Mets 1-1-0, 6 points

Braves 0-2-0, 2 points


Astros 2-0-0, 10 points

Royals 2-0-0 10 points

Angels 1-1-0, 6 points

Athletics 1-0-0, 5 points

Rangers 0-3-0, 3 points

Mariners 0-2-0, 2 points

Upcoming schedule

All games are played in the gymnasium of the Santa Monica YMCA







Thank you very much,

Dr. Paul Drew, assistant youth basketball coordinator at the Santa Monica YMCA,  editor and publisher of Swish

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