Video game addiction is a rapidly expanding problem that few experts fully comprehend. In fact, in this digital era, people are highly obsessed with online casinos in Canada as well. Due to hundreds of beneficial features like Free slots Canada, various play games options, bonuses and many more, people aren’t able to get out of the gambling addiction trap.
Here are some video game addiction statistical data that can help us understand how widespread the problem is and whether we should be concerned about our gaming habits.
In the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, 0.3 to 1% of the general population met the criteria for a video game addiction diagnostic test. South Korea proclaimed video game addiction a public health crisis because it affects over 600,000 children.
8.4 per cent of children and teenagers are obsessed with gaming, with boys accounting for 11-12 per cent and girls accounting for 6-7 per cent.
Video game and gambling addiction is a real issue that affects billions and billions of gamers worldwide. According to recent studies, in 2020 and 2021 about 40% of gambling addicts who like to play poker and play slots have started their own casino business and “How to start an online casino business” has been significantly searched on google sites in the past two years.
However, there are very few resources on the subject. Most video game addiction mental health professionals are over the age of 55 but have never played a computer game in their lives. As a result, current mental health models do not realise how to diagnose video game addiction.
Worldwide Video Game Addiction Statistics
According to statistics, upwards of 2 billion people worldwide play video games, with 150 million in the United States. According to various surveys, Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) tends to affect between 1 and 10% of people in Europe and North America.
In a survey of adults in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, researchers discovered that 0.3 per cent to 1% of the general population met the criteria for an IGD diagnosis. A significant number of new technologies expand the possibilities of online gambling in various countries.
In Japan, a national survey of “internet addiction” was conducted, and the samples that showed signs of IGD ranged from 0.7 per cent to 27.5 per cent. Another study on Norwegian gamers discovered that 1.4 per cent of the sample could be categorised as addicted, while 7.3 per cent were problem gamers.
Gender Breakdown of Video Game Addiction
Gaming appears to be a male-dominated industry. However, the research is conflicting.
- 8.4 per cent of children and teenagers are hooked on gaming, with boys accounting for 11-12 per cent and girls accounting for 6-7 per cent.
- Women are far more dependent on mobile games than men.
- Around 241 patients with gaming addiction are seen at the Kurihama Medical and Addiction Centre in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Ninety-nine per cent of those people are men.
- According to recent research, the gender ratio of video game addiction is much more balanced than previously believed. Potential at-risk gamers made up 10.8 per cent of a sample of problematic internet users, with 5.5 per cent being females and the rest being males.
Video Game Addiction By Age
Though there has been no study of gaming disorders in Japan, a national study of “internet addiction” demonstrated that 1.82 million males and 1.3 million females over the age of 20 were addicted to the internet. Another set of stats indicates that young adult males between the ages of 18 and 24 are at significant risk of gaming addiction.
According to a German study, over 6% of teenagers keep struggling with gaming addiction. A different German study found that 3.3 per cent of teenagers were addicted to gambling. If you would like to know more about the casino gaming industry, If you would like to learn more about the casino industry, check out what author Conrad A. Brennan has to say.
On the whole, statistics on video game addiction are hazy due to the various methodologies used in research and statistics. More research is needed to understand what and how video game addiction affects people in various parts of the world.
More precise video game addiction statistics are required to identify potential high-risk groups, and the problem must be addressed as soon as it arises.