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What to Know Before Moving to LA

There’s never a shortage of people moving to Los Angeles. Sure, the current rate of newcomers fails to top the figure from years prior, but L.A. will never be lacking in new arrivals. From the days of Charlie Chaplin and Walt Disney to the modern era, people from all over the world will always make their way to Los Angeles in pursuit of success.

To those who currently plan on relocating to L.A., we hope you find success. Practically everyone here was once in your shoes – an outsider determined to become a local in a city that seems to go out of its way to make it hard to thrive. We made it work, which means you can too!

With that said, moving to L.A. is not something to take lightly. You’re talking about a significant life transition hinging on a gamble and a prayer. Even if you’re lucky enough to arrive with a job rather than show up looking for work, your effort to successfully settle down will probably be one of the most intimidating challenges you’ve ever overcome.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at five things to know before moving to L.A.:

It’s expensive

The first thing anyone considering moving to Los Angeles needs to realize is how expensive it is compared to most other parts of the United States. For instance, a home valued at around $200,000 in northern Ohio will easily sell for $1 million or more in L.A., depending on the specific area. A one-bedroom apartment will probably cost $1000 a month in rent. You get the picture. It’s what happens when a city becomes an exceptionally desirable place to live. It pays to be prepared for the cost of living in L.A. Otherwise, you’re in for an extreme shock.

It’s big

The Greater Los Angeles region encompasses a wide area. Traveling from Ventura County to Orange County takes over an hour by car. These communities are so sprawling you learn to view them as individual cities within a larger metropolitan region. For example, a service installing water softener in Irvine is unlikely to service areas beyond Orange County. Those planning to move to L.A. should prepare themselves for this fact and plan accordingly.

It’s beautiful

The reason so many people want to live in Southern California is simple: the weather is perfect virtually every day of the year. Rain is rare, snow is unheard of, and the sun is shining with few exceptions. With this in mind, those searching for an ideal climate need look no further than L.A. The enduring beauty of Southern California is why the movie industry decided to make L.A. its H.Q. They could count on great lighting and weather to film outdoors without worrying about rain and clouds. The bottom line is that the one enduring perk of calling L.A. home is the fact you will almost always experience ideal weather conditions and rarely – if ever – deal with extreme conditions.

It’s busy

Los Angeles is always ranked the second-most populated city in the United States after New York. The L.A. region houses more than 4 million people, which is an astounding number of folks when you think about it. The takeaway is that freeways and major thoroughfares are always congested, and the most exciting and economically relevant parts of the city are sure to be teeming with people at all times. It pays to be prepared for the onslaught of humanity one encounters when relocating to the Greater L.A. region. The sooner you get used to having throngs of people around, the quicker you’ll acclimate yourself to life in L.A.

It’s worth it

Believe it or not, the hassles of living in Los Angeles are well worth it. You’re talking about living in the cultural capital of the known universe. What’s more, it’s the final frontier of western civilization – love it or hate it. In other words, L.A. represents the very best humanity has to offer, along with the very worst. In this regard, it’s no different than every other major city that ever laid claim to being a cultural epicenter. With that said, those who aren’t easily captivated by the glitz and the glam should think twice before relocating to L.A. Don’t let the spotlights and celebrities trick you into chasing a dream you never wanted in the first place. With that said, those convinced of the merits of moving to L.A. should rest assured knowing their desires fit into those that have been driving this city for over a century. That’s the dirty little secret about L.A.; this city thrives on a neverending injection of fresh takes and outsider perspectives.

The bottom line is that L.A. will always be a mecca for those in search of fortune and success. But for every ten people showing up ready to make a go of life in tinsel town, only a handful will pull it off. Do you have what it takes? There’s only one way to find out! Good luck!

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