No matter how little income you have, it is possible to save money by reducing your monthly expenses. The trick is to be willing to giving the illusion you’re lacking in the wallet while you are doing it. Even if others make fun of you for your frugal habits, you will be building your future by doing so. There are several ways you can reduce your expenses to meet your goals.
Save Money on Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is one of the most expensive aspects of vehicle ownership, so it pays to shop around and see where you can save. One of the easiest ways of doing this is by using a marketplace of providers of products like auto insurance. The Navient Marketplace lets you save money and shop around for the best rates, all in one place.
Use Your Vehicle Less
Depending on where you live, you may be able to run errands on bike or foot instead of driving. It is a great way to get some exercise in, and it can help you save on transportation. Short trips around town can add up and they aren’t as fuel-efficient. If your destination is a couple of miles or less and you have the time, walking can improve your health and mood. Start out small by walking a mile or less every day. You can then increase the distance you walk and practice with a cooler or backpack. You could even trade your time at the gym for walking, giving yourself enough time in your day to run some errands on foot.
Look for More Frugal Forms of Entertainment
There are ways you might be wasting money on entertainment, whether it’s going out to eat, playing video games, going shopping, or paying for subscriptions. None has a solid return on your investment because you don’t have anything to show for the money you have spent. While entertainment can be an important part of relaxing and recharging, that doesn’t mean you have to spend money on it.
Your library likely has plenty of tools and resources to help you meet your entertainment needs. You may have access to lots of movies and TV shows through your local library. Of course, there are many books, both fiction and nonfiction, that can help you relax or learn something. You may even have access to digital tools or different kinds of software. You can invest in yourself and save money by going to your local library.
Save on Gift Giving
Being frugal on gift giving can be controversial, but it can really save you money. While there is nothing wrong with giving family and friends gifts, it’s too easy to get caught up in consumerism instead of focusing on spending quality time with the other person. Spending time with people you care about is often more appreciated than an expensive gift. You can still give less expensive gifts, such as handmade items. The recipient will appreciate the time that went into making the present.