Dinner celebrating Kathryn set for Thursday night at Santa Monica Elks Lodge on Pico
On Thursday, March 9, Santa Monica’s Kathryn Boole is being honored as Citizen of the Year by the Santa Monica Elks Lodge 906.
The Santa Monica Elks are part of Elks USA, a national service organization. They focus on helping our veterans and raising funds for scholarships for local kids and aid for children with disabilities.
Kathryn takes time out of her busy work schedule to help others as co-president of the Santa Monica-Pacific Palisades Lions Club, event chair for the Santa Monica Breakfast Club, member of the Salvation Army Santa Monica Corps Advisory Board, and member of the Elks Lodge 906.
In addition, Kathryn writes regular film reviews for the Santa Monica Mirror as part of her “Behind the Screen” columns.
To attend the dinner on Thursday March 9th at 6:00PM, at the Santa Monica Elks Lodge 906, 1040 Pico Blvd. call 310 452 3557 or email smelks9061904@yahoo.com.