Since the legalization of CBD as per the 2018 Farm Bill, more people have ventured into using and selling its products. With each waking day, users report a range of benefits that they are getting from cannabidiol products. In athletics, players have also come out in extensive support of CBD-infused vapes, balms, creams, and the like.
The fact that players cannot get tested for CBD has been a strong motivator for continued use. In e-sports, gamers are also developing an interest in the products. The main question remains: are there any benefits to using CBD vapes and products for gamers?
The Scientific Benefits of CBD Vape Pens for Gamers
Vapes were quickly becoming an alternative to normal cannabidiol joints and smoked. Vapes come in all shapes and sizes, not to mention brands and flavors. Popular sites such as have taken to stocking all needed apparatus for vaping. You could also find a variety of vape juices, cartridges, and so much more.
The question of vaping CBD for gamers of all kinds comes down to what these vape juices can do for them. Online gaming is one of the most popular ways people blow off steam. Contrary to common belief, people can play their online games professionally. E-sports refers to competitive online games in which people compete; spectators can also view them via live screenings.
Like other professionals, gamers want to be in their best shape as they compete for various titles globally. The e-sports world also has a stipulation of guidelines to allow players to compete. In adherence to WADA regulations, the Electronic Sports League (ESL) has a ban on all cannabis-related products except for CBD. The league allows players to use cannabidiol in various forms without any consequences once detected. It is also reassuring to note that the ESL and other leagues do not test for cannabidiol, making it legal for athletes of all kinds.
gaming which can now be considered a cultural thing requires specific skills and abilities in its players. Though CBD does not improve performance, some studies show it helps players in one way or another. The following are the top benefits gamers can reap from using cannabidiol while they play their games:
Help Alleviating Pain in Muscles and Joints
With the knowledge that most e-sports professionals and leisure players spend most of their time seated, some believe they may not suffer from joint and muscle pains. According to Intenta Digital, 2-3% of online players experience disordered gaming. In layperson’s terms, this refers to a sedentary lifestyle with minimal exercise. One of the symptoms of disordered gaming is muscle and joint atrophy.
Even though CBD vaping does not equate to increased mobility, it does help in relieving muscle and joint pains. Using the infused vapes goes a long way in mitigating joint and muscle illnesses.

Keep Gamers Focused and Sharp
The science behind CBD studies shows that a bit of cannabidiol can improve focus and sharpness. For gamers, mental acuity is everything as they spend hours calculating and executing maneuvers to win. Spending prolonged hours in front of a screen can undermine a person’s focus.
Using the CBD vape leads to an indirect interaction with serotonin 5-HTIA receptors. The interaction brings about a neurocognitive boost that leads to an increase in mental acuity. Gamers can take advantage of this and use the vapes whenever they feel their energy or focus dwindling.
Relieve Stress and Anxiety
In some cases, stress is a good strain on the mind, but too much of anything is not good. E-sports professionals and leisure players have to spend hours online and hence are prone to increased stress and anxiety levels. Psychological studies have found findings linking CBD to reduced stress levels and mitigated anxiety and depression.
Clinical trials are attempting to discover whether or not vaping can help with conditions such as ADHD, OCD, and PTSD. CBD’s interaction with neurotransmitters and brain receptors leads to feelings of relaxation. Gamers can benefit by taking a hit of their e-cigarettes whenever they feel anxious or overly stressed.
Improve Sleep Quality
Since CBD entered the market, people have been applauding it for its various benefits. One of the common ones is its ability to help people sleep better. Though they do not work like pharmaceutical sleeping pills, they help relax a person to sleep better. A gamer who achieves peaceful sleep is likelier to perform better than one struggling with sleep. When taken at the end of the day, CBD works on muscles and joints and ensures a person is relaxed enough to sleep soundly.
Possible Side Effects of Vaping for Gamers
Nothing comes without a set of downsides. CBD vaping has some downsides, just like any other product on the market. The human body can tolerate up to 1500mg of cannabidiol per day. This amount does not solely mean that everyone should take similar levels for the best results. A person’s tolerance levels go a long way in determining their suitability for different levels of cannabidiol.
When taken in large amounts, the helpful cannabinoid can deter the productiveness of the player. The worst-case scenario for a CBD overdose includes a range of side effects. It is possible to experience heightened dizziness, fatigue, nausea, an upset stomach, disorientation, etc. It is good to note that a CBD overdose can not be fatal. Despite this fact, starting with smaller doses and increasing the levels as your body responds to the compound is recommended.
Guidelines for Picking the Best CBD Vapes for Gaming
Now that you know the benefits and side effects, it is appropriate to look at how to select the best in the market. For the past couple of years, the CBD vape sector has been getting flooded. Every day a new product is on the market from a different brand. How do you navigate to get the highest quality e-cigarette?
Choose a Reputable Brand
Though quality is not synonymous with brand reputation, often enough, customers review what they like and do not like about specific products. It is unlikely to get a faulty e-cigarette from a company with multiple positive reviews. The best way to ensure high quality is to pick a product to buy from a company that has been around for years. Also, go through user reviews to get an idea of the company’s reputation.
Pick a Vape Kit that is Easy to Use
It may seem like an essential pointer, but e-cigarettes come in very different functions. You have disposable pens, refillable ones, rechargeable ones, and more. Most of them are easy to use because you only press a button and inhale the heated liquid. Others are more technical and come with no buttons. Regardless of the kit you go for, ensure it is easy to use and cost-effective.
Countercheck the COA of the E-Liquids
The heart of vaping lies in the vape juice you inhale. Like other CBD products, e-liquids come in all flavors and potencies. Some are full spectrum, others broad spectrum, citrus flavored, strawberry flavored, and others. The goal is to pick one with the right potency and flavor you will enjoy.
The beauty of vaping is that there are so many e-liquids to choose from that you will find anything you want. Also, the Certificate of Analysis (COA) provides you with the ingredient list of the juice. Make a point to go through it to see if there is anything you may be allergic to or opposed to in the e-liquid.
Why E-Sports Professionals Prefer CBD Vaping
More and more gamers are taking to vaping like a fire to dry grass. The benefits of CBD vaping are well known to them. A review of online gamers and e-sport professionals revealed that they prefer vaping for specific reasons. Here are the most common ones.
- Ease of access and they promote stealth use of the cannabidiol;
- Vaping is convenient on the go and discreet;
- There is a range of products to choose from;
- Offers instant relaxation and focus;
- E-cigarettes are very easy to use and also affordable.
Online gaming is a sport that requires increased concentration and focus. Most players spend hours in front of a screen, which could harm their health. Vaping is easier and more convenient for gamers than other forms of CBD isolates. Not only does it boost their focus, but it also alleviates their stress and anxiety. Given that the competitive online sports world is very stressed, a few hits here and there will improve gamer productivity almost instantly. With support from the ESL, gamers can enjoy CBD’s benefits without worrying about drug tests.
Lana Braslavska is the writer behind this article. With vaping becoming a household name, she intended to show online gamers how they could enjoy CBD and be at their best. Lana’s contribution to the AskGrowers family is valuable with pieces such as these that push for the wholesome use of cannabidiol. Besides being a writer, she also researches to ensure that her articles are up to date with modern-day standards and information.