The Film Follows Four Runners Who Train For The La Marathon While Struggling With Addiction, Homelessness And The Criminal Justice System.
By Zach Armstrong
A free screening of the documentary film “Skid Row Marathon”, which addresses homelessness, life on LA’s notorious Skid Row and features LA County Superior Court Judge Craig Mitchell, will take place May 31 at Unitarian Universalist Church in Santa Monica.
The film follows four runners who train for the LA Marathon while struggling with addiction, homelessness, the criminal justice system and life on LA’s Skid Row. Los Angeles County Judge Craig Mitchell helps train the runners club through discipline and camaraderie.
Following the screening, there will be a Question and Answer session with Judge Mitchell to discuss the film.
The screening will take place at 7 p.m. The church is located at 1260 18th Street Santa Monica. For tickets, go to