Shelton Sets Goals and Puts The Development of SMMUSD As Top Priority
Doctor Antonio Shelton welcomed children back to school with this heartfelt message touching upon many topics central to going back to school in the Fall of 2023.
He stated via a press release, “More than 1,000 staff members joined together on August 21 for professional development and personal growth opportunities at our annual convocation. All staff, whether an administrator, teacher, or classified employee, understands their value and importance to our school community and system. Everyone has a place and importance in the system and brings their own story to the bigger picture. Every story has value. The SMMUSD family is excited to educate, support, and mentor our students toward greatness, both academically, socially, and emotionally, and help them appreciate and honor their stories to empower them.
Educators will entwine this approach in their day-to-day programs, and families will see this throughout the system in other departments, including special education, visual and performing arts, athletics, and other curricular and extracurricular programs.
This practice informs our SMMUSD goals well:
- All graduates are socially just and ready for college and careers
- English Learners will become proficient in English while engaging in a rigorous, culturally and linguistically responsive standards-aligned core curriculum.
- All students and families engage in safe, well-maintained schools that are culturally responsive and conducive to 21st-century learning.
Parents are part of this broad community effort and will learn about our plans and goals through back-to-school nights and PTA meetings. We strongly encourage parents, teachers, and staff to join PTSA at your school site. We are fortunate to have an engaged and supportive parent network at every site, along with our SMMPTA Council. Find your PTSA / PTA webpage on your school website or visit