We Will Update This Story
By Zach Armstrong
Among its numerous entertainment events and games, bi-weekly turtle racing has been the specialty at Brennan’s Irish Pub since 1975. On Thursday, March 21, while patrons inside the old school Marina del Rey bar cheer for whichever turtle they’ve placed bets on, animal welfare groups will be standing outside to voice their opposition.
In Defense of Animals, Los Angeles for Animals and the Los Angeles Animal Defense League plan to bring pamphlets, signs, megaphones and approximately 50 protestors.
Brennan’s did not immediately respond to inquiry from Mirror Media Group. We will update this story.
Brennan’s turtle racing began 49 years ago when then-owner Ab Lawrence started the tradition, according to its website. Every first and third Thursday, customers gamble on the winner by paying for a ticket and placing their name in a turtle’s hat. A name is pulled from the victor’s hat to announce which patron wins a prize from a prize wheel. All proceeds from the race go to charity, the website states.
According to the bar’s website, there are three rules in place to ensure safety and protection for the racing turtles: no pointing, no booing and only specially trained turtle wranglers are allowed to touch them.