The protections, which remain in effect through July 31, 2025, allow eligible tenants to notify their landlords of financial hardship caused by the wildfires in order to prevent eviction
Tenants impacted by the January 2025 wildfires in Los Angeles County can now access sample notification forms to secure eviction protections, officials announced Monday.
The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs has made the forms available to help renters qualify for protections recently enacted by the Board of Supervisors. The safeguards apply throughout the county, including all 88 cities and unincorporated areas, and aim to prevent displacement due to financial hardship caused by the fires.
“These notification forms make it easier for tenants impacted by the wildfires to access the eviction protections we passed across LA County—without unnecessary barriers,” said Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath in a statement. “By keeping this process simple and accessible, tenants will have the time and stability needed to recover.”
The protections, which remain in effect through July 31, 2025, allow eligible tenants to notify their landlords of financial hardship caused by the wildfires in order to prevent eviction. Renters seeking protection for February must provide notice by Tuesday, March 4, while those needing relief for March must do so by Friday, March 7.
Key provisions include protection from eviction for nonpayment of rent due to fire-related financial hardship and relief funds directed to landlords on behalf of tenants. The resolution does not waive rent but prohibits landlords from imposing late fees, interest, or other penalties on missed payments accrued during the protection period. Tenants will have up to 12 months to repay any rental debt incurred.
County officials encourage tenants to provide supporting documentation, such as pay stubs, employer letters, or proof of applications for relief programs, though documentation is not required at the time of notice. The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers free mediation services for tenants and landlords to negotiate repayment plans.
For more information, tenants can contact the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs at (800) 593-8222