March 13, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer

By Raven Nightwood, Mirror Astrologer


You need to concentrate on thoughts of safety and care. This is a time when anything that can go wrong, might. Look both ways, watch the rear-view mirror, throw that salt over your shoulder. You will get through—you always do.


With a marathon coming up, you might feel like running. But then again, you might be feeling tired from all the work and social activities. You need to make up your mind. You don’t have to run with the pack and you don’t need to run when walking will also get you there.


You are the main character in a video game called your life. This week, you will be fighting dragons. Arm yourself. Don’t let minor, gremlin-like worries get you down. Save your strength for the big battle.


You feel stronger than ever about your beliefs and others feel just as strongly about theirs. Find ways to stand up for your views without alienating your friends. Write to your local newspaper or speak out at a City Council meeting.


After what may have seemed like a long silent period, you are in for a barrage of emails, tweets, text messages and Facebook posts. People are talking to you. Hopefully, you have stored up much to say to them.


Efficiency is the name of the game. You are getting things done! Suddenly you have time on your hands. You can finally clean up the house or watch the DVDs you haven’t had time to look at before. You can even do your taxes early.


Get by with a little help from your friends. Don’t be shy to ask them. You’ve helped them (haven’t you?) So now it’s time to collect your due. In a crisis, you will learn who your real friends are.


Although your sign is the Scorpion, you are feeling stubborn like a mule. You need to not resist so much. Like a mule, you will find yourself only standing still, with a load that you’re not able to pull. Relax and give in—just a bit.


You are the star of the show. That won’t be the case next week so enjoy it for this week. But be careful to not overdo your star status. People around you might need sunscreen because you shine so brightly.


The time to hesitate is through. If you intend to take action about the big things in your life, do it now. Protect yourself whatever way you need to but jump into the fray while the opportunities are there.


You don’t have to stand alone. There are others who agree with your ideas and goals. You just need to find them and form a larger group who will make change happen. Get out there and network!


You feel like you have not fulfilled your goals but that’s not true. Like a spring thunderbolt, ideas will strike you and you will take that plunge and change your direction, with positive results.

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