Did you spend too much money on Black Friday? Then this week you need to do Frugal Friday. Go over your expenses and your savings and find the perfect compromise.
Little things about your life may have you feeling frustrated but there is a special person who is about to have major impact on you. Let that person’s insights and warmth enter your sphere. The little things won’t matter once you and this person are together.
Family is foremost on your mind. Maybe they’re causing you too much worry. Possibly, one family member can hold the solutions to the family problems. See if the two of you can get everyone else to agree.
Despite the season, you don’t feel like socializing and would rather retreat into the background with a good book or video. That will change, but for now, if you want to play Scrooge, get it out of your system.
Everyone is complaining that you seem stuck-up. You may simply be feeling more assertive than usual and it is being taken in the wrong way. It’s that Leo-the-Lion roar that intimidates people. Prove to them that you can purr too!
Are you feeling creative? Do you long to make your own holiday greeting cards or presents? Give in to that urge and put on your thinking cap! The results may not be worthy of hanging in a museum but they will delight your family and friends.
Like Cancer, you feel like being alone but for you this is not the way to go. Even if you have to force yourself to see people, do so by all means. You are going to need their help very soon and they will need your ideas and compassion.
The mundane and boring tasks require your attention just when you long to be partying. Dive into the doing of those things that you have been putting off. It’s a good time to reorganize and give away or recycle the stuff that you don’t need.
Soon you will be going on the trip you have wanted to take for ages but have had to put off. There are tasks to be done first but you will want to start planning who you will be taking your dream vacation with.
You are thinking about someone you have not heard from in a long time. Maybe you are a bit worried about how that person is doing. This could be a good time to call or write and find out what’s going on.
An old friend or business partner will reappear in your life soon and may bring problems. You have to realize that you may be the person to provide comfort for your old friend or partner. To do so will require some initiative on your part.
Chestnuts will roast on the open fire and you and someone special will be resting at the fireside too! Before all the holiday mayhem gets out of hand, enjoy a quiet and romantic time. The craziness will come later.