The three declared candidates for the new 50th Assembly District, Richard Bloom, Betsy Butler and Tori Osborn, will attend an event at Trip Bar on Wednesday, Oct. 26th, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
The candidates will be working the room to meet and talk with potential voters about the salient issues for California and their recently created Assembly District.
The new 50th Assembly District stretches from West Hollywood to Malibu and sweeps south through the Palisades to Santa Monica.
According to Jim Kennedy, one of the organizers of the monthly Drinking Liberally event held at Trip Bar said, “This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates in a relaxed, free flowing environment. We’re not going to hear any speeches – this event is all about conversation and getting to know the people that want to represent us.”
Attendance at Drinking Liberally is free and open to everyone over the age of 18.
Trip Bar, 2101 Lincoln Blvd, in Santa Monica.