For several years we have expressed our concerns and asked for solutions to improve communications between the school, parents, students and the district but we were not listened to. Our families and parents deserve respect and they do not deserve to be used in an irresponsible manner for others’ goals.
There are many taking advantage of this situation. There is no excuse for the administration to say they did not know what was going on at Samohi. They were well informed. They did not listen to our voices.
This is our DEMAND:
Santa Monica
High School
Latino Parent Group
Spirit Of Love/Bilingual
Advisory Committee
Call to Superintendent Deasy and members of the District Board of Education:
We demand:
1. A review, one by one, of all suspensions and expulsions as a result of the “melee” on Friday, April 15, 2005. There is much abuse of power; too many students were unjustly told to stay home.
a. We want to be part of this investigation.
2. A review of all suspensions for the academic year 2004-05; there have been too many cases where there’s been a violation of the Discipline Policy.
b. We want to be part of this investigation.
3. If it is found that the same administrative person has consistently violated the Discipline Policy, we demand that he/she be relieved of his/her duties.
4. An evaluation of the Redesign, since this has been a failure for our students of color. We request that statistics be reviewed carefully because of an enormous increase in “F”s.
5. An evaluation of administrative personnel. We want change.
6. Designation of space for a Parent Center — conducive to connecting effectively with students/families.
7. Transfer to Olympic High School: Review of students transferred to Olympic High School.
What criteria are used in making such decisions? What are the parameters…or, better said, why? Who has the last say, what is the process for transferring students to Olympic High School?
Specifically, mention needs to be made of the Godinez case – whose rights as a Special Education student were violated in a most cruel and irresponsible manner – a case very well-known by district. And to further complicate the situation for the student and his family, the student was transferred in an irresponsible manner to Olympic High School. Administration did not want to help the Godinez family.
We demand that this student be assigned one-one assistance immediately to ensure graduation by June, 2005.
8. That existing programs be evaluated (AVID, ALLIANCE, ROP,etc.) that the appropriate personnel are working in these programs — providing and fulfilling the goals of the programs’ students’ academic success.
9. A director and coordinator at the high school who will ensure equity and access for students of color at Samohi.
10. Since there are thoughts of placing liaisons in every House at Samohi, we insist that Ms. Tere Viramontes-Gutierrez and Ms. Pam Allen-Jones, current liaison, coordinate such a program of liaisons, recognizing their experience and capacity for coordinating such work.
11. That expulsions and suspensions recommended by Mr. Craig Lewis be reviewed; too many parents have had their rights violated due to Mr. Lewis’ mismanagement of the Discipline Policy; contributing to predominant attitudes at the high school; and abuse of authority. We demand that he be relieved of these duties if abnormalities surface.
12. We insist that at the annual evaluation of our Community Liason, that parents participate in this evaluation- we are more closely involved in the work that the liaison carries out.
Too often, administration does not value the great efforts and work that liaison accomplish at Samohi.
13. We want to be informed about the manner in which Samohi and the District are preparing to ensure security and safety at the upcoming Graduation ceremony and Grad Nite.
Marlene Herrera.
SOL/BAC Latino ParentSanta Monica High School.