October 18, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Letters to the Editor:

Post-election strategy

To the editor:

After the Governor’s assault on the unionized working people of California was repelled in the recent election, these people would be remiss if they accept the Governor’s and Legislature’s future good-faith bargaining overtures.

The Governor was elected with a promise, and a chance, to “do good for California and Californians.” However, he assaulted its Legislature and its hard working people.

It is as if he took four shots at the people of California from a gun and missed. Then he hands the gun to the missed targets and says, “Dear friend, please hold this gun for me while I go get more bullets.”

Will the people of California fall once more for his placating tactics? Or, will they continue their efforts to rid themselves of the lurking gunman?

Bill Glazewski


Preserving shotgun house

To the editor:

Thank you for the in-depth coverage of the recent developments in saving the shotgun house.

I would like to clarify the roles of the Friends of the Shotgun House (FOSH) and the Santa Monica Conservancy. FOSH is a newly forming nonprofit organization whose mission is to find a permanent site for the house and to raise the funds to rehabilitate it, all with an eye toward retaining its historic authenticity.

The Santa Monica Conservancy generously allowed FOSH to use its tax-exempt status for the purpose of securing donations to cover the cost of moving the house to Fisher Lumber. Otherwise it would have taken several months to obtain 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service and FOSH needed to get those tax-deduction donations quickly in order to have the house moved in compliance with the city’s deadline.

Those interested in helping save this historic treasure should contact me. We are looking for funding from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

Sherrill Kushner

Santa Monica

(310) 394-4835

Shame on us

To the Editor:

Some people – usually political cheerleaders of one stripe or another – try to co-opt holidays like Veterans’ Day to suit their own agenda. It is a despicable thing. It is particularly despicable when practiced by what purports to be a newspaper.

I am against the war in Iraq. But we should all have the common decency to observe a day of simple remembrance and plain thanks for the vets, without usurping the platform to promote one contested cause or another. Shame on you.

Terence Lyons


Backing Peekins

Dear Council Members:

As long-time environmental leaders and activists in the Santa Monica community we are writing to express our disappointment with the City Council’s decision to not interview Craig Perkins as a final candidate for the City Manager position.

We are sending this letter over the explicit objections of Mr. Perkins. As a dedicated, long-term employee of the City, Craig explicitly let us know that he did not want to rock the boat by interfering with the Council’s City Manager search. Despite Craig’s request, we feel this correspondence is critical because Mr. Perkins has demonstrated uncommon leadership, financial management skills, and progressive vision for Santa Monica for over 20 years. Also, we write this letter because hiring a City Manager is the most important decision that a City Council can make.

Without Mr. Perkins, there would be no Sustainable City plan and Santa Monica would not be a municipal environmental leader of global reputation. Mr. Perkins is highly respected by his staff and the staff throughout the City. He is a leader in both the public works and environmental communities. Mr. Perkins is extremely bright, thoughtful, tireless, diplomatic, objective, a team player, and dedicated to the ideals that make Santa Monica one of the most amazing cities in the country. The City Council has an opportunity to make a statement by interviewing and potentially hiring an internal candidate with all of the qualifications advertised for the City Manager position. Not only would this make a statement that the Council truly believes in the Sustainable City vision, but it would make a statement to City staff that the Council truly believes that they do excellent work.

Please reconsider your decision to drop Mr. Perkins as a candidate for City Manager. If you choose not to interview him, please provide a meaningful explanation for why the Council made that choice. All of us have poured our hearts and souls into this community. We feel that this request is more than reasonable. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Mark Gold, Chair,

Environmental Task Force

Susan Cloke, Chair,


and Parks Commission

David Beckman,

Senior Attorney, NRDC

Sandy Grant, Chair,

Sustainable City Task Force

Professor William Selby,

Environmental Task Force

Professor Jennifer Wolch,

Recreation and Parks


Eric Neandross,

Environmental Task Force

David Hertz,

Environmental Task Force

Matt Petersen,

Environmental Task Force

Professor Robert Gottlieb,Co-Founder, Environmental Task Force

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