This summer give your family an experience of a lifetime. Through EF (Education First), a nonprofit international exchange program, you can host a student from France and find out how rewarding hosting can be. Like traveling, hosting an international student gives you and your family the opportunity to learn about France and French culture, develop an intimate connection with a new person, and even learn a bit of French. In today’s globalized world the more we know about our national neighbors, the better off we are. As an added bonus you and your family will have the opportunity to accompany your student on fun outings such as Disneyland, Zuma Beach and a Dodger game. You can even earn travel vouchers for you and your family.
Any family, regardless of its status and composition, can become a host family. All you need is to be open and eager to learn about another culture, willing to provide a home environment, share your meals with a “new member” of the family and bring new experiences to the table.
The dates of the program are July 19-August 13. For more information, or to sign up to become a host family, please email Dalia at