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Home Video & Fauna Flash, October 20, 6-9pm

One of the many niceties of enjoying an evening at our wonderful Getty Center Museum is that in spite of being within such close proximity, one tends to feel quite removed from the proverbial “rat race” down below. With spectacular views of the city, droves of amazing galleries to peruse, and terrific, innovative performers, the Getty may be one of the coolest offerings our fair city provides for anyone looking to soak up a little culture in a non-stuffy environment.

The Fridays Off the 405 series presents two intriguing and original acts: Home Video, an electronic duo with a minimalist approach, as well as Fauna Flash, the reigning kings of drum and bass (also known as jungle).

The Getty Center Museum Courtyard, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7300, www.getty.edu, free, parking $8

Matt Savage Trio, October 24, 8/9:30pm

Now, let me think…what was I doing at the tender age of fourteen? I was trying to score Playboys, drinking as much Cactus Cooler as possible and attempting to limit the number of zits on my face to single digits (damn you, Clearasil!). Fast-forward more years than I care to acknowledge, and on the opposite end of the spectrum is Matt Savage. This child prodigy was born in 1992, and taught himself to read music and began classical piano studies at the ripe old age of six.

By 10, Savage had already studied at the prestigious New England Conservatory of Music for three years. By 12, he had recorded six CDs and performed with Chick Corea and Bobby Watson, as well as jamming with numerous all-stars at Birdland, such as Clark Terry, Jimmy Heath and Jon Faddis.

Here’s is an ideal opportunity to check out this precocious and supremely talented young man along with second-guessing just how wisely you spent your first fourteen years.

The Jazz Bakery, 3233 Helms Ave., CC, 310.458.8900, www.jazzbakery.org, $25

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